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Monday, August 3, 2009

Jacob's Foot: What's the story Morning Glory?

Do you want to see Chan Ho Park enjoy Korean breakfast and mock Brad Lidge? Do you want to see the palace that Scott Eyre lives in? Do you want to see the dudes of the bullpen order tacos from a San Diego food establishment as they welcome Chan Ho to the pen? If any of these things has crossed you mind then you've got to watch The Pen on CSN (it begins tonight). CSN obtained the rights from the MLB Network for reality program featuring our Philadelphia Phillies bullpen. I should've written more about it during its original run but I didn't so now is my chance to provide a preview.


--You won't see this until the season finale of The Pen but Scott Eyre lives like a king. It's amazing. No disrespect to the man but he pitches an inning a game and lives like a king. Sometimes he faces one batter and is done for the night. I'll repeat myself: it's amazing. Who needs to be a starting pitcher when you can be a situational southpaw? He's got a pool that looks like it came from the playboy mansion, his house is gigantic. Just wait til you see his backyard. He also brings JC a cake when JC's 50 game suspension ends.

--The haircut battle between JC Romero and Ryan Madson with J-Roll as the judge is fantastic. JC cuts Scott Eyre's hair and Madson cuts Durbin's hair. Once again, it shows that Eyre lives only a life of luxury. The highlight of the battle belongs to the great funnyman himself Chan Ho Park. I won't spoil it though.

--The bullpen coach Mick Billemeyer is one relaxed dude. He just lounges, answers the phone, and jokes with anybody whether it's his boys in the pen or fans in the stands. It's a close one determining who the funniest member of the bullpen is and it's between Chan Ho and Mick. You'll have to watch to decide the funniest bullpen member.

--You'll get to re-watch the good, the bad, and the ugly of the 2009 season thus far up until the all-star break. The show spends some time remembering Harry Kalas which is nice. And yes, there's a whole episode that consists of those miserable series with the Blue Jays and the Orioles.

--The show provides the occassional updates of the IronPigs. They show the audience how Majewski's been making out in AAA as well as update us on Taschner after his demotion, and then the show goes to Lehigh Valley some more as they follow Lidge during his rehab and Eyre. There's a visit to single A Clearwater to follow Condrey's rehab.

--You'll get to learn about how Clay Condrey made it to the big leagues. It's a great story.

--Last but not least, Chan Ho Park's antics are amazing. Watch it for the antics alone.



There's a good chance I'm going to get slightly blowhardy again with LOST in the coming weeks. Not today because I don't want this entry to become a novella. But they're coming. I apologize in advance but as Johnny Utah said to Bodhi as he protested to Utah on Bells Beach in Australia as the 50 year storm pounded the shoreline since Utah was finally going to nab Bodhi for everything he did: 'it's gotta be that way.' It's gotta be that way, readers.

No LOST episode of the day. Instead, I bring the second episode of LOSTed by Guy Sahaf entitled 'Everyone Hates Henry.' It's my favorite of LOSTed. The early Hatch days Ben/Locke stuff is parodied so well. Once again, this parody began and ended before season three began. I don't want to give anything away to anyone who will watch it but I encourage comments with your thoughts on this episode of LOSTed. Without further ado, here is Everyone Hates Henry.


Yes, ma'am! What an episode last night. All the bitterness I felt after last week's episode disappeared with one hell of an episode. In this episode, Sookie reminded me why she kicked ass in the first season, Hugo betrayed the vampires and ended up in a lose-lose situation, Preacher's wife shot Jason in the chest after she heard from the Rev that Sookie is Jason's sister and they immediately believed Jason was a spy despite the fact that he was invited to the Fellowship of the Sun by the Fellowship of the Sun and would have never known about them if not approached by one of the clergy while in prison after he thought he killed Amy, Tara seems to be putting together the pieces of the puzzle, Lafayette's getting some pizzaz back but he's still not the same but he did call Eggs satan in a sunday hat (he did have some satan in him too he just didnt know it), Bill sat in a chair for the entire episode, Eric scouted the Fellowship grounds with Isabel and continues to improve as a character (he is not a ripoff of Spike thankfully), Hoyt and Jessica got closer, Andy Bellefleur will emerge as the hero of this season, Daphne was stabbed by the bulljawn who controlled Eggs (who actually stabbed Daphne), and Sam continues to be the best character on the show. Some other thoughts:

--I like Sookie much more as a single woman. The character's terrific away from Bill. Anna Paquin seems better when she's not acting alongside her boyfriend too. The 'I take no BS' Sookie was back last night. Love that Sookie.

--Great scene when Andy called out the town for the zombie orgy. I'm telling you Andy's going to emerge as the hero at the end of this season.

--It's obvious now that Eggs killed Miss Jeanette while under control by Maryann. Maryann continues to be the wet blanket of this season and has now surpassed the Anne Heche character of the third season of Everwood and the actress (who appears in the season four finale of LOST) has surpassed Heche as a terrible actress in a television series.

--Sam continued his reign as the best character on True Blood. He offered to turn himself into Maryann if that would result in Maryann leaving his people alone. He looks like he's going to enlist Andy's help to fight the bulljawn and hopefully Tara's because Tara's been underutilized thus far.

--Good ol' mindreader Barry was nice enough to give Bill a message from Sookie and then he was pulled into the room by "Darla."

--Godric showed up at the end and saved Sookie from a possible rape by Gabe. Gabe also got his ass kicked by Jason for calling his sister a whore. Wasn't a fan of Gabe to be honest.

An exceptional episode. I'm really looking forward to next week. 'Entourage' was also good last night. All around positive evening for HBO.


There's actually two songs left in Oasis Off. I didn't want to forget about the most underrated Oasis song...

'Morning Glory'

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.