This entry will most involve posting the final LOSTed episode, some archival LOST stuff I wrote in 2007, and that's about it. A fairly lax entry. Plus, I'm watching Phils and Braves so no real interest in writing a lot. Time for True Blood:
I didn't write about last week's episode of True Blood. Godric emerged as Jesus of the vampire community, Jason became friends with vampires, etc, etc. You know what happened.
On this week's episode, which ended rougly 90 minutes ago, Eric pulled a Squints from The Sandlot on Sookie, Sookie had quite a dream about Eric because he is now a part of her and with that comes sexual feelings, Jason and Sookie are finally on the same page, Bill punched Eric in the mouth for pulling a Squints on his girl, Luke launched a suicide attack on the vampire community, Godric sacrificed himself for some reason, Eric didn't want him to, Hoyt and his mother continued to fight, Sam found a clever way out of prison, Maryann continues to be the worst part of season two, Alan Ball continues to avoid character assassination by blacking out the eyes of characters the audience likes, Eggs got his butt kicked while under the control of bulljawn by Lafayette, Lafayette continued to show that no person should ever mess with him or his family, Isabel is surely becoming a favorite of mine, Anna Paquin looked fantastic, Sam visited Andy in a hotel room to presumably begin plotting against Maryann/bulljawn, the parallels between Sookie and Eric to Buffy and Spike makes it feel like Alan Ball/Charlaine Harris is plagiarizing the work of Joss and his writers, Angel will always be cooler than Bill, and that's about it for the summary/my thoughts for the episode. An enjoyable episode. I'm looking forward to everyone ganging up to take down Maryann. I'm also looking forward to how similar Sookie and Eric are to Buffy and Spike and later writing comments about Alan Ball ripping off Joss Whedon.
LOST archive time!
I don't like informing the reader of what it is being written about LOST wise . I don't know why that is but that's the way it is. You'll be able to figure it out though. Quotation marks begin said archives.
"To the rankings I shall go!
Whereas last week so no moves from me or steve, this week has some movement. No change in the top fives, but there's some movement. Tom moved up Steve's board, which demoted Juliet. The ladies moved around on my board save for Kate. Charlie also moved up a spot.
As far as the episode, I had two Holy Shit! moments. The two being when Mikhail showed up and when the new girl said the plane was found and no one survived the crash. I love this show. And the small Claire scene rocked so much that she jumped two spots on my list. Jin rocks. The scene when he promised to take care of Sun and his alertness to get the phone from Mikhail are two of the lights. Additionally, Jin's father is great. The LOST writers are very good when they create characters. Jin's father made an impression on me in season one and did not disappoint tonight. 5/5.
Now, enjoy the rankings. Or don't. It's up to you.
1. Sayid
2. Desmond
3. Kate
4. Sawyer
5. Jack
6. Locke
7. Jin
8. Hurley
9. Ben
10. Claire
11. Sun
12. Charlie
13. Juliet
14. Tom
15. Rousseau
16. Aaron
1. Sayid
2. Locke
3. Sawyer
4. Desmond
5. Kate
6. Jack
7. Jin
8. Ben
9. Hurley
10. Rousseau
11. Claire
12. Sun
13. Tom
14. Juliet
15. Charlie
16. Aaron"
Here ends this week's edition of Archives. I am sure that was fantastic for all reading.
It's time to post the final episode of Guy Sahaf's LOSTed. It ended in 2006. Nothing topped the Everybody Hates Henry episode though. As far as this episode is concerned, the animation for Dr. Chang is fantastic. Walt is also hilarious in this one. The voice for Ben always cracks me up as well. Enjoy:
Well, that about wraps up this fairly eventful edition of Jacob's Foot. Expect a LOST episode of the day tomorrow.
In the meantime, check out for the latest edition of the special summer online version of The Quad. The EIC himself penned a review for District 9 and wrote about how Philadelphia has become a town that embraces second chances for troubled players.
And, check out the other blogs on this very site. Tara wrote about Facebook and its many transformations. And Colin has all-things-movies covered.
And Ryan Howard just hit his second homer of the night (a three run shot). Phils lead 4-1. Good times!
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