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Monday, August 10, 2009

Jacob's Foot: Driveshaft and The End of Oasis Off

The first four seasons of LOST are available on Netflix's Instantly Watch. Season Five will be available in September. Take advantage of this opportunity, everybody. There's never going to be a show quite like LOST. Make sure to be caught up by season six as well because there is nothing quite like watching a season of LOST in real time during its five month schedule.

Season One and the last half of season five are now available on I will be using for my delightful LOST episodes of the week. I've been waiting for this for some time now so I'm glad finally made at least some episodes available. Funny enough (and not funny at all actually) the next episode of the day will not be a season one nor latter half of season five episode.

Anywho, today is the culmination of Oasis Off. After about two months of Oasis songs and videos, I feel it is now right to connect Oasis with LOST (you had to know it would end this way, right?).

Yes, from the onset of Oasis Off, the endgame was tying it into LOST. This is Jacob's Foot after all. Once upon a time, 'You All Everybody' by Driveshaft, Charlie Pace's beloved band, was a pretty popular tune. You remember that, right?

[caption id="attachment_935" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="You all everybody...YOU ALL EVERYBODY!"]You all everybody...YOU ALL EVERYBODY![/caption]

In a season two episode entitled 'Fire + Water,' Driveshaft makes some changes to the song for a commercial as they are willing to do anything for the almighty pound. The chorus changes to include the company name. Number Five on his Greatest Hits is the first time Driveshaft was played on the radio. Anywho, Charlie and his brother, Liam (also the lead singer) start the band together, record a record, and become a one-hit wonder, essentially. The drugs and groupies pour in. And then sibling rivalry begins. Charlie gets mad at Liam during a flashback in 'The Moth' for stealing Charlie's parts in 'You All Everybody,' which reminds one of the stories of Liam and Noel arguing over who sings what. One can dare say Liam pulled a Liam on Charlie's Noel. Oh yes, the band hails from Manchester.

Yes, Driveshaft is essentially a fictionalized version of Oasis, that is if Oasis was a one-hit wonder who bottomed out after Live Forever. The homage is there. Liam, Charlie's brother, sings with the same swagger and snotnose style that Liam Gallagher has perfected through the years. Liam even uses the words 'rock god' as does Charlie.

My ramblings will stop here though despite the other connections I have not named but there's a video to be shown. The season one dvd has an extra on Driveshaft. That extra is on YouTube and that YouTube video is right below these words you are reading right now so stop reading and watch:

And, of course, Charlie is seen playing 'Wonderwall' in 'Flashes Before Your Eyes.'

[caption id="attachment_934" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Charlie will save Nadia after singing."]Charlie will save Nadia after singing.[/caption]

As for the final song of Oasis Off, it is none other than 'Wonderwall.' It is a song that Noel wanted to sing but Liam got to sing it. Noel feared Liam wouldn't be able to hit the high parts. Noel later said that Liam did a fine job with it. Indeed, Noel. Indeed. 'Wonderwall' is the classic college song. You don't know how to play guitar but would like to learn a cover to impress a lady? 'Wonderwall' is your song. Heck, I'm even going to learn the song. It's fantastic. Keep on spreading the Oasis love with this song, folks. And now, here is 'Wonderwall.'

And for good measure, 'Wonderwall' from 'Flashes Before Your Eyes.'

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.