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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lost Girl "Dead Lucky" Review

"Dead Lucky" had ambition. The episode packed in a decent amount of information without becoming unfocused. We learned more about Bo's parents, the dark faes, the effect of Bo on Dyson, and Kenzi's place in this crazy supernatural world. Lovretta and her writers threw a bunch of balls in the air, to use an overused cliché, but none were dropped, or even fumbled; it was a solid hour of smooth expository, yet adventurous, storytelling.

Bo met a dark fae bookie named Myers who needed her to track down a human who managed to win a bet despite being void of any kind of luck. Myers is a fae who feeds off of a person's luck, and who belongs to the dark fae. Myers kidnapped Bo because she hasn't chosen between the two sides, which makes her capable of going anywhere and doing anything. Bo met Myers after being kidnapped by his nephew and some silent extras, so she didn't immediately accept Myers proposal. The dark fae bookie got Bo to bite on the deal when he introduced her to his niece, Cassie, an oracle, and promised her a chance to learn more about her parents through his oracle niece.

The investigation was interesting to watch. I enjoyed the various twists and turns. The conclusion actually surprised me, though I felt annoyed with myself for not figuring out the twist. I liked how the mystery revealed quite a bit of fae mythology and about fae creatures. Through Bo's investigation, we met a frost giant, and learned about body-jumpers. The frost giants are as silly as their names. Jasper, this episode's frost giant, tried to freeze Bo to death. Bo's arrival at Jasper's poker tournament was tipped off by a mysterious someone, whose identity we did not learn, but I'm sure the mysterious someone's involved in the battle between the dark and the light. We met a dark body jumper as well as a light body jumper. The scene in which Bo was nearly frozen to death by a frost giant led to a sex scene between her and Dyson. The healing happened in Trick's bar. Trick, as predicted, wasn't pleased by Dyson's copulation with the neutral succubus. "Dead Lucky" had several scenes in which the case-of-the-week led to scenes important to the overall narrative.

Kenzi needed to figure out her place in this crazy supernatural she found herself in via Bo. Various characters referred to her as a 'sidekick' tonight. Kenzi and a client conversed about a case in which the client felt threatened by her possessed cat. The client lost interest when Kenzi failed to track down Bo, citing her disinterest in working with the investigation service's sidekick. Bo and Dyson pursued new leads as Kenzi stood behind, shrugging her shoulders, ready to punch someone in the face for forgetting about her. Kenzi showed initiative and pluck when she followed someone to a Chinese restaurant in hopes of solving the case, but she was knocked out before she could. I liked that she discovered her necessary reliance on Bo. Kenzi's story wasn't about her absolute need for independence; rather, it was about her response to a bunch of so-and-sos who pestered her about being a sidekick. Her adventure to the restaurant was spur of the moment, a reaction to the siren's teasing; Kenzi's comfortable as Bo's friend and co-worker.

Cassie's oracle mojo on Bo resulted in smash cut editing and a bloody nose. Nothing surprising came of the reading. Cassie saw that Bo's mother lives. Cassie will be a major player in a future battle. I would've been surprised if Cassie told Bo that her parents were public transportation workers and that she WON'T be a major player in a future battle. This is genre television. OF COURSE, the heroine with powers is going to be vital to the endgame of the season, as well as the middle game--its genre 101.

Also, "Dead Lucky" intimated that Bo's just a novice, that many fae exist who can easily overcome Bo's touch. Cassie's first adventure into Bo's past revealed how she learned of her powers. Bo lost her virginity to her high school sweetheart, but she accidentally killed him. Bo tried to use the touch on Jasper, but it failed, because he's been around the block several times or so to speak. Bo's as inexperienced, power-wise, as she was the day she accidentally sucked the life out of her high school sweetheart. Bo needs someone to guide her, to teach her, or something. I'm way more than interested in following her on this journey.

Other Thoughts:

-Myers' nephew, Seymour, is the one who hired Lucas, the dark fae body jumper, to rip off his uncle. The reveal was so obvious. I became annoyed because I didn't predict the reveal in my mind. In my defense, I spent the commercial breaks watching Always Sunny repeats on Comedy Central.

-Kenzi's not a fan of Dyson in the beginning, but feels bad for him when she notices how much sex with Bo is hurting him. Now, he likes having sex with Bo, but she feeds off of his energy, and she's draining him. In other news, Kenzi and Dyson's partner, whose name escapes me and god forbid I research imdb for it, could be interesting if they ever went for frozen yogurt on a sunny Canadian afternoon.


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.