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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Foot: Review of No Ordinary Family--No Ordinary Ring

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The third episode of No Ordinary Family, titled "No Ordinary Ring," accomplished a seemingly impossible thing--a three-and-a-half minute act. And the identity of the show began to emerge during the course of the forty plus minutes of the episode. The show began to extend itself beyond the initial conceit the first two episodes revolved around. The first two episodes largely dealt with the excitement and possibility of the superpowers gained from the plane crash. The writers interspersed the family's dynamics and issues throughout the first two episodes but "No Ordinary Ring" is the first episode that the Powell family as a whole became engaging beyond their superpowers. Well done, show.

The theme of the night was honesty and trust. The Powells have trouble remaining honest and truthful because of the fact they all possess the powers to do extraordinary things.

Daphne finds herself in the center of the lies and dishonesty. She continues having trouble controlling her ability to read minds. An old friend, Megan, briefly hangs out with Daphne until Daphne oversteps her boundaries by addressing something she heard from Megan's mind. The incident frustrates and saddens the girl, who wants to simply be a normal 16 year old girl. The revelation that her own father has been dishonest about his activities (NOBLE activities though) sends Daphne into a teenage fit, determined to tell her friend the entire truth about herself. Daphne cannot though. By the end of the episode, she accepts the reality that she can only be her true self around her family, Katie and George. And as long as her father promises to always be honest, Daphne will be okay.

Daphne also chooses to be dishonest to protect her brother. She cannot be honest with the entire world about what she can do JJ, the possible future supervillian (as predicted by Doc Jensen of, asks his sister to read a girl's mind to determine whether or not he and his crush share a mutual attraction. The crush does not. She thinks he is a tool. Using the advice George gave her, Daphne makes up a lie to protect JJ. He learns the truth and becomes upset. In case you missed it, being truthful and honest equals good while lies equal bad. The lies the Powells are forced to tell will haunt them by sweeps in all likelihood.

Stephanie, with the help of Katie, breaks into her office after hours to retrieve a blood sample so Stephanie avoids unemployment and prison. Alarmed by the news that Steph has to give a blood sample in order to get her grant for research, Katie gives her own blood as Stephanie's. Steph, indeed, retrieves the blood. Later, Dr. King finds something superpower-ish on the security tape. The plot thickens, friends and well-wishers. Stephanie would be wise to continue lying to Dr. King considering he employs the Sylar-esque killer. And, again, I cannot take Stephen Collins seriously as a villian--not after 48 seasons on 7th Heaven.

Also the ringplot led to a sweet ending between Jim and Steph. Julie Benz looked terrific throughout the episode.

I will now return my full focus to the great Red Wings/Avs game on VS.


The Searchers--Written By Frank Nugent--


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.