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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Foot: Season Finales & CBS Premiere Dates

Pilots, season premieres and finales are a mixed bag. The majority of shows usually write themselves into a corner by season's end, no doubt leading to disjointed finales in which very little resolution actually happens. Rather continue writing with vagueness, I'll clearly state that I am referring to Alan Ball, his crack team of writers and their clusterbleep of a show called True Blood. The show is an amazing three for three with horrendous finales. The latest finale featured 87 cliffhangers. Stories appeared out of nowhere. The various plots that were established were never resolved or dropped. The werewolves storyline received tremendous hype before the season began but the writers lost interest in werewolves by episode six. The second half of the season accomplished nothing really and the finale even less. This show cannot possibly be nominated for an Emmy when shows like Treme and Sons of Anarchy are ignored by the Academy. True Blood isn't even the best vampire show on television.

Today is CBS Preview Day. I shouldn't even call it a preview because I'm entirely unfamiliar with CBS programming. The press releases are junk and independent bloggers cannot get near press materials for networks. So I'm taking a page from every television blog/website on the interweb and delivering premiere dates for returning shows with, perhaps, a comment thrown in.

The Big Bang Theory returns September 23 at 8PM

I implore any fan of comedy to watch Community rather than The Big Bang Theory. If you like the show, DVR it. I have no interest reading news like Big Bang Theory crushes Community in the ratings, resulting in the cancellation of one of the top comedys on the air.

Criminal Minds returns September 22 at 9PM

CSI returns September 23 at 9PM

Justin Bieber guest stars in an episode or two. The CBS wants that CW demographic. I think Bieber's episode should end with his hair cut. His handlers probably wouldn't allow the hair to go because it is a marketing tool but the hair is terrible. Even worse, Tom Brady's adopted that hairstyle.

CSI: Miami returns October 3 at 10PM

The 9th season. Why? Who is watching this?

CSI: New York returns September 24 at 9PM

The 7th season. Again, I ask, why? Maybe audiences respond to the weekly presence of Lt. Dan in their household but Lt. Dan is nothing without Forrest Gump.

The Good Wife returns September 28 at 10PM

How I Met Your Mother returns September 20 at 8PM

If you want to watch a season of television in which nothing happens for 24 episodes, netflix the fifth season of How I Met Your Mother. If you missed season five of the show and are a fan, don't worry about catching up. You didn't miss anything. The two showrunners characterized the season as "stand alone" because of the plethora of stand alone episodes in the season. Stand alone episodes allow the characters to start fresh every week, meaning there is no continuity to worry about. It's lazy storytelling. The showrunners promise actual plot development and episodes that matter in season six. Jennifer Morrison's signed on for some episodes. I'm a huge Jennifer Morrison fan so she is enough to pull me in for another season. Plus, she has to be involved in the mother plot. Amazingly, though the show is about Ted meeting the mother, the mother plot made zero progress last season except for one small thing: Ted saw her foot. Last season sucked.

Medium returns September 24 at 9PM

The Mentalist returns September 23 at 10PM

NCIS returns September 21 at 8PM

NCIS: Los Angeles returns September 21 at 9PM

Rules of Engagement returns September 20 at 8:30PM

Survivor: Nicaragua premieres September 15 at 8PM

Two and a Half Men returns September 20 at 9PM

Undercover Boss returns September 26 at 9PM


SCREAM by Kevin Williamson

Get into the early Halloween spirit by reading Scream, the movie that saved the horror movie genre in the late 90s.


1 comment:

Colin said...

i cant believe beiber is going to be on csi. so any crediblilty that show had left has gone out the door with petersen i suppose. also, tom brady's hair is ridiculous and cringe-inducing. i don't care how much money that man has, i feel bad for him everytime i see that commercial because he looks like the 70's beat him repeatedly with an ugly suit

About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.