It's going to be 100 degrees around most of the East Coast today. No one wants to read 7,000 words on how I'd re-write the fourth season of Dawson's Creek if I ran the show. Today is a lazy, hazy summer day where one should grab a cold class of lemonade and read or something.
As far as TV watching goes, it's rough out there with summer programming. Plenty of reality television exists on networks, if that is your cup of tea. A few scripted shows are on the air like the crop of ABC shows; however, all received terrible reviews. ABC Family has new episodes for their series but I'm far from their demographic and would only watch if I ever was mailed screeners to review. The days of re-runs are not as prominent because of reality television. HBO took the 4th of July weekend off so I'm unable to review the first two episodes of Entourage. I managed to miss the Dexter marathon that occured last week, thus destroying all hopes of catching up before season five begins.
But Mad Men looms. Ah, Mad Men. What a show. I thought that it would take some time for a show to hit with me like LOST did. Nope. Mad Men is outstanding. Mad Men is part of the rare 'I Should Probably Own This Show on DVD" category. Not many shows reach that level for me. To date, these shows are: LOST (obviously), Buffy, ANGEL, Monty Python's Flying Circus and Arrested Development. I own a season or two of other shows but, for the shows I've just listed, I own every season. Mad Men is very close to joining the ranks. Mad Men is the bright star in a dark sky of summer television this summer.
Another bright star is the season six LOST DVD. In a little over a month, the DVD will hit the shelves. Radio silence will end. I think. The ultimate last chapter in the LOST experience, which means I'll be able to write one last LOST entry about new content. Ahhhh, LOST.
IFC has begun airing the short-lived Freaks and Geek series. Many know that Judd Apatow was a producer and writer on the show. The series is where most of Judd's favorite actors got their start in the business. Seth Rogen would later write for Judd's "Undeclared." I watched the pilot episode twice and it is terrific. Paul Feig did an excellent job introducing his characters and defining their essential personalities. This is another show worth watching in the very bleak summer season of television.
Of course, The Soup airs every friday on E! and is an excellent source of entertainment.
Basically, my point is there are quality alternatives to some bad, bad tv. And as always, the Phillies are basically on every night. MLB Tonight is the best baseball program on television. It's also fun to keep track of all thing NHL free agency. When in doubt, sports are always there.
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