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Friday, July 30, 2010

The Foot: Seven Business Days of Whedon concludes

Seven Business Days of Whedon concludes today. We had fun, didn't we? We did. Many words were written about television shows that ended 6-8 years ago. It was fun battling the increasingly horrible Quad Blog server as I tried to insert pictures into the post. No one will forget the blissful day I spent over 45 minutes inserting 19 photographs for ANGEL. Each time I'd click on what needed to be clicked an error message would pop up. Moments later, it would work and then break down just as I submitted. Fun times.

There are a few options for the conclusion of Seven Business Days of Whedon. The first, naturally, is to rank the 100 greatest Whedon characters. I estimate a 30,000 word count for such a post. The second, talk about some of Joss Whedon's greatest writing achievments. Myself and the readers would have to forget about the episodes I wrote about yesterday so that the content would feel fresh and new. The third, I embed a few videos. I think the third option is the most pleasant of the three.

My plan all along was to conclude the exciting week and two days with a riveting entry about Joss Whedon's scripts; however, I stepped on my own plan yesterday and Monday by writing all I can write about Joss Whedon episodes. Also, WordPress is nonsense and putting a screenplay excerpt into block quote is not worth the trouble WordPress will put me through.

I have scoured the interweb for five awesome clips from any Joss Whedon show or movie and only found two because every video is a lame fanmade video. I promise that there will be zero lame four minute fan made videos about the Buffy/Spike relationship or any fanmade videos about how they think Xander and Dawn would be just swell together.


My favorite song in Dr. Horrible. The funniest person in the scene is Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer.


Whedon said if Serenity wanted to accomplish anything, it was the shot of River at the end of the fight. Of course that shot isn't in the youtube clip. Do watch. Summer Glau's outstanding. Pay attention to the one-er. Joss said he just can't stay away from super-powerful and strong women.

Unfortunately, wordpress does not have hulu-embed capabilities so I can only link additonal video. Seven Business Days of Whedon is having as bad of a finale as Boy Meets World. I am not proud.


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.