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Monday, June 14, 2010

Life After Jacob's Foot: Down in the Treme...

Treme time. Last week's Mardi Gras episode was fantastic and the latest episode is the best one yet. And, oh yeah, don't read this if you want to watch the show because spoilers will abound. Also, don't read if you like True Blood. There's a chance I, if not bash it, provide several harsh words about the show.

The first season of Treme has built its narrative slowly but week by week the stories have been quietly building and now things are happening. Don't get me wrong. There's been big developments in the early episode like the Daymo revelation, the Housing Projects with Chief Lambrioux, the first parade after Katrina and the subsequent return of violence in the city. Each character, at this point in the season, is at a crossroads. Let me rephrase that: every major character for the exception of Davis. Some characters like Sofia and Toni are going to experience grief, like Ladonna and her mother are, when they find out Creighton did. In fact, the Creighton story is why I'm writing about Treme today.

He's been depressed for quite awhile, since Katrina put a hurting on the city he loves so much. His depression crescendoed last week when he couldn't even enjoy the Mardi Gras. Before the parade, he took his daughter to a pier and talked to her about how difficult the rebuilding process will be. It wasn't a cheery conversation. He reached his moment of ultimate despair at his computer screen. Without spending too many words on the context or conveying the emotions of the character, I'll just say it worked. In the morning, he was a happier man. Something was off. I expected him to jump into a river when I saw he parked his car near a river. Sure enough, he jumped into a body of water after enjoying one last cigarette. Earlier in the day, he raced out to tell his daughter how she pretty she looked and to encourage his wife in her job. He gave Annie twenty dollars after listening to her delightful violin playing. He had one last bowl of gumbo. He let his students out early after explaining the significance and meaning of Kate Chopin's "The Awakening." A spiritual liberation is what he sought. I thought it was a well-done story.

I don't plan on writng about Treme. Next week's the finale and then it won't be back for one year. Plus, there are other actual television critics who write about the show much better than I could, like Alan Sepinwall of

My two cents, though: this show is worth your time and investment.


As for the show preceding this, TRUE BLOOD...let's just say I still haven't gotten over last year's awful Menad storyline with the Bulljawn. It's definitely an over-the-top campy 50-58 minutes of television. I actually enjoyed the first season of the show. I didn't like season two very much but stuck with it because, for some reason, I don't like to quit watching shows (I watched the entire series of HEROES despite the fact it started sucking halfway through season one). For fun, here are some thoughts for season premiere of True Blood, "Band of Wolves":

I have zero interest in watching Tara's hysterics this season. I also have little interest in Jason's story. Bring back the preacher and his wife. I don't really care about the V storyline going on with the queen and Eric. Not sure I care about Sam's roots with the Mankins. I like anything Sookie's involved in though because she's the best written character and the most developed. Plus, Anna Paquin is awesome. The werewolves thing could be cool but I have a feeling the show will not have a bunch of Oz's on the show which makes the werewolves thing less cool.


Before I forget, I have an exciting 45 minutes planned for my online radio show tonight. Do listen here:


Colin said...

Great Clip of the Day. I always enjoyed that song. Any word on dexter's emmy chances? I suppose this part of the comment should go with your previous entry, but I had to comment on Family.

Chris said...

i have zero idea. there's some buzz for Lithgow according to Alan Sepinwall. I'm sure Michael C. Hall could get on the final ballot for Best Actor. I imagine the show deserves a writing and directing nod as well. But you know the emmys, they can't get anything right.

About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.