The first band: Waiting 2 Fall from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
They come from the land of gigantic malls, overpriced restaurants, nonsense SEPTA routes, schedules and outrageous zone fares. It's enough to make you want to never travel there via public transportation. It beats gas money; however, with SEPTA, a week of traveling on their fine rails, buses and trolleys adds up to paying for a tank of gas. I'll be poor either way thanks to transportation fees. I digress.
Waiting 2 Fall (or Waiting To Fall) formed sometime in early 2009. Three rambunctious youths wanted to write music and play music so they did just that. Before any of their friends were aware, they an EP released to the masses and not just North America. W2F's debut EP can be found in iTunes Japan. Oh, yes. The band played a number of shows in promotion of the record, most notably at the North Star Bar in Philadelphia. They've since entered into a hiatus after lineup changes but are in the process of writing and recording the follow-up EP.
Their debut EP is titled "Love Is An Excuse To Get Hurt" and it is an emotionally-charged 25+ minutes of music. The lyric content deals with relationships gone wrong or, in other words, how love is a way to get yourself hurt. It's not the most cheerful message in the world but neither is the entire discography of Nirvana and they managed an admirable level of success. The album is highlighted by a slow, meditative acoustic song called "Compound Fracture" in which lead guitarist/vocalist Mic Swinty is joined by a female voice as they sing about the loss of love in their life.
You can find their EP on a variety of websites including iTunes and Rhaspody. They also have a facebook page and myspace website. Also, check out their merchandise here:
The second band: Miles To Go from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
They come from the city where the constitution was signed. It is a city where SEPTA fares are still too much but not as bad as suburban zone fees nor does a horrendous route the number 92 exist in Philly. SEPTA in Philly has such lovable bus drivers like Grumpy, Jolly and Old Man.
Their first and only EP is a labor of love. A four year sojourn involving different people coming together for a shared goal: make good music. The journey began when a band called The Fightins ended. Miles To Go founder Pete Smith had to find a new bassist after the old bassist left to pursue different projects. Smith found the guy who writes the Post Collegiate Apocalypse blog on this very website. I digress. They wrote songs, practiced and played shows. Eventually, their drummer left and was replaced, for some time, by a computer. Finally, they found a human being to play drums. They also found a singer.
Meanwhile, the EP had been in production for awhile when they found the new members. To make a long story short, things eventually came together and an EP was born. The EP is titled "Get Ya Popcorn Ready!" and they played just one show before the band decided to go their separate ways.
"Get Ya Popcorn Ready!" has a rather interesting structure. Think of an old cassette tape that had two distinct sides. Side A and Side B. This CD employs that structure. The first four tracks are light-hearted and fun pop-punk affairs with stories about devotion to a significant other and hoping the girl you want to date comes to one of your shows. Side B features shift in tone and atmosphere. It's darker. Side B is highlighted by haunting melodies and the closing track.
Download it for free:
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