Today is a day of celebration, friends! Today marks the five year anniversary of the series premiere of LOST on ABC (it's birthday!).
Little did I know the show would blow my mind the way it did. I mean, I expected it to be good because of David Fury's involvement but then the show just surpassed my wildest dreams and has become my favorite show of all-time. Two years ago, Damon Lindelof and Carlton marked the occasion with a special podcast. This year, LOST University opened on And yes, I was accepted and did extremely well on the placement test. The test lauded my extensive LOST knowledge and I tested out of LOST 101. I printed out my ID card as well. I think this is awesome. I feel like a kid in a candy store with anything LOST.
Anywho, as today is a special day in the history of LOST, there is going to be something different. And no, it does not mean I will blowhard more than usual. I feel like a day like today is best celebrated by embedding various scenes from the show. The videos are of some of my favorite scenes from the series. It's a sampling. Each scene I chose means quite a bit to me. I would've liked to have represented every episode but I wasn't able to but there's a good variety of scenes from seasons 1-5. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will remember why this series is as beloved and special as it is, and why it's the best television drama ever created and produced. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOST!Here GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The Plane Crash
The Ending of Walkabout
Claire's Scenes from White Rabbit
The Ending of Deux Ex Machina
The Teaser of "Man of Science, Man of Faith"
Desmond Calls Penelope in "The Constant
Ana Lucia Cries for the First Time in 40 Days
The First Appearance of The Whispers
The End of Raised By Another
The End of The 23rd Psalm
Live Together, Die Alone (White Rabbit)
The Final Scene of Through The Looking Glass
Ms. Hawking and Desmond in Flashes Before Your Eyes
Deleted Scene from Further Instructions
Locke's Vision from Further Instructions
Shannon & Walt--Exodus Part 1
Memorial Service led by Claire Walkabout
Claire Apologizes to Her Mother Par Avion
Locke's Island Tour of Blowing Things Up (Submarine) The Man From Tallahasse
Locke and Ben's conversation in The Man From Tallahassee
"'You've got work to do"
Sawyer Kills Locke's Father The Brig
Sawyer Kills Tom Through The Looking Glass
Golf Solitary
Charlie Dies in Greatest Hits
Confirmed Dead
Nikki and Paulo Buried Alive Expose
Michael & Tom in Meet Kevin Johnson
The Smoke Monster The Shape of Things to Come
Jack & Locke There's No Place Like Home (goodness gracious what a scene this is!)
The Man Behind The Curtain (Lost On Location)
Michael Shoots Ana-Lucia and Libby
Jin and The Freighter There's No Place Like Home
Final Jack Flashback A Tale of Two Cities
Hurley and Charlie Fish Walkabout
Charlie Covers For Desmond and sings "You All Everybody" Greatest Hits
Jack Saves Charlie All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
Hurley & Sawyer & Banish
Sawyer & Christian in the Bar Outlaws
Locke & Christian Cabin Fever
Jack & Locke Orientation
Mikahil, Sayid, and Kate Enter 77
Sayid Shoots Ben He's Our You
Ben & Hurley The Lie
Hurley & Dr. Chang Some Like It Hoth
Sayid & Nadia Reunite There's No Place Like Home
Jack and Sawyer Fight The Incident
Sawyer & Horace LaFleur
Juliet & Sawyer LaFleur
Eko's Death in The Cost of Living
Ben Is Judged in Dead Is Dead
The Teaser of "The Incident"
Ben Kills Jacob The Incident
The End of Exodus Part 2
"For twenty-five years I have read criticisms of my stories, and I don't remember a single remark of any value or one word of valuable advice." A. Chekhov
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About The Foot

- Chris Monigle
- Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.
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