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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jacob's Foot: Am I the New Editor-In-Chief? Plus LOST, True Blood, and Dawson's Creek

Written by Chris Monigle

I have come to the realization that less is certainly more for this blog. There's about a 1% chance you'll see a another 3,800 word entry for the rest of the summer. LOST might strike my fancy which is why I left a 1% chance. I also remembered that entertainment is my biggest focus at The Quad since I am, you know, the editor of that section; therefore, the experiential piece I planned to write will no longer be written as it would contain very little entertainment besides a bit about LOST, two video games, and multiple failed journeys to see Pixar's UP, so it wouldn't even be a review of the movie but rather a review of my experiences trying to see the movie. I did battle Colin, our Editor-In-Chief, for the position of Editor-In-Chief in a game of Touch Football. Do not misunderstand me: it was literally touch football that we played on Peter J. Smith's iPod touch. I set an over/under of 19.5 points. I took the under. Colin didn't even put the position on the line as much as I stated that me and him would play for the position of Editor-In-Chief. It's a simple game. All one does is slide their index finger on the screen to try to a score a touchdown. I sadly lost the touch I had when I battled Smith months earlier. It was Diddy's first time playing the game (and Diddy is the nickname I've given Colin).

[caption id="attachment_613" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The two savvy competitors in Touch Football"]Who, indeed, is now Editor-In-Chief?[/caption]

The question that everybody seeks an answer to is: Am I the new Editor-In Chief of The Quad? Did I, in fact, defeat and whisk the title from Diddy? 
I did not. In fact, he shut me out. A 12-0 final. I didn't even come close to ever scoring. Either my slide was too powerful or my index finger betrayed me when it was my turn i.e. it barely moved. Diddy displayed a calm poise, allowing the game to come to him, to reveal itself. It was fun though.

Back to the point: I was struck on Sunday night by the realization of the entertainment aspect of this blog. It's not like I strayed. I didn't. I merely planned to stray into other areas of non-entertainment. I was also struck by how enjoyable "less" can be than "more." I will write as much as needed for LOST and anything else entertainment but I won't put an entry on life support to satisfy an internal blowhard word-count that is in no way mandated by The Quad. I can be my own worst enemy.

'True Blood' has become the show that will occupy me during the hiatus of LOST. I'm not the type of person to toss a show aside once LOST returns though. In fact, Dawson's Creek was an 'Occupy Me' show once upon a time.

[caption id="attachment_611" align="alignnone" width="316" caption="Hell to the Yeah."]Those crazy kids from the Creek!Those crazy kids from the Creek!

The year was 2003. Summer 2003. 'Everwood' had wrapped up its exceptional first season and ended with one doozy of a cliff-hanger. TBS began syndicating Dawson's Creek. I began watching towards the end of the school year, when I'd get home early because of the final examination high school schedule. The first episode I saw of Dawson's Creek is entitled 'Hurricane.' It's first season. Joey's all about Dawson and Dawson's oblivious. I do wonder whether Joey wishes she never let her affections be known to Dawson since Dawson made things miserable for her and Pacey during a time despite Joey's insistence that he wasn't completely insane. All I did that summer was watch the first five seasons of Dawson's Creek on TBS. I was riveted. It was fantastic. I own two seasons on DVD. During past LOST hiatus', I've watched Firefly in its entirety, finished Buffy, became a fan of 'Entourage,' etc. Don't get me wrong: nothing replaces LOST when it's off-the-air. What I watch during the hiatus' do not suck though. I mean, Buffy and Firefly are fantastic. Definitely Top 5 shows of all-time (and of course ANGEL is also in the top-5). 
'True Blood' caught my eye last fall when it premiered; however, living at school with no HBO didn't motivate me to begin watching it. It caught my eye because Anna Paquin looks awesome as a blond. God bless the costume designer of 'True Blood' because Anna Paquin looks amazing in every scene she's in.
Hell to the Yeah.[/caption]

Reviews began trickling in that it wasn't a terrible show. I didn't expect it to be since Alan Ball is overseeing and running the production. I have no interest in reading the books the show is based on though. I'm not an insane fan of vampire stories. I'm a huge ANGEL and Buffy fan but I'll never read Anne Rice novels or read or watch "Twilight." "Dracula" is a cool story.

In addition to Alan Ball running the show, "True Blood" had HBO in its favor. HBO produces quality television. "True Blood" is a good show. It reminds me of Buffy and ANGEL. The characters are well-developed. The plots are interesting and substantial. The secondary characters have plenty of life and depth. It keeps me guessing. It surprises me. The cliff-hangers at the end of each episode are great. I am through the first seven episodes of season one and am looking forward to the rest of the season. The show stood out for me once I reached episode four "Escape from Dragon House." The following three episodes I've seen have been great. It's an enjoyable viewing experience. I'm getting involved with each character's story (or arc). All of you with Netflix out there, I recommend watching the first season on DVD.

Once the second season begins, I'll give my thoughts on each individual episode. Time for some LOST.


I'm going to comment briefly on what Carlton Cuse told Michael Ausiello about the return of a certain someone to the show (don't read if you don't want to know but it doesn't give anything away except the joy and surprise but i'd be expecting so it doesn't matter to me). What struck me about this was, for starters, Cuse breaking radio silence. He and Damon never talk about the next season until comic con. I imagined that when (i happened upon an interview with Emilie before season five began so i knew this news would come before season six) they announced her return, it would be at Comic Con just like how it was announced Harold Perrineau was returning for season four at comic con 2007. Then of course Carlton offered these words about how they are more excited for how the character returns than the simple fact that she is returning. I mean, COME ON! It's early June, Carlton! Don't do that to me! It's only been a month since season five ended! I immediately began thinking about where we last saw Claire, what it means now with Mr. Nameless seeming to be the dude who inhabited the Cabin, what it means for the whole "Did they change the future?" cliff-hanger. How she returns might be with an unborn Aaron in her belly, landing at LAX. But I doubt that. I'm on record believing the season opens in 2007. What I came to realize is that, simply, Claire's return is going to be awesome and it's going to make for one hell of a flashback. I am stoked.


Colin said...

hah we shall again have to do battle for the EIC crown. PErhpas you could put your OC title on the line as well???

Chris said...

Indeed I can put the OC title on the line next time.

About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.