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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jacob's Foot: Rock N Roll Star (and Catch-22)


[caption id="attachment_730" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) in "Catch-22""]Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick)  in "Catch-22"[/caption]

The episode: Catch-22
Original Airdate: April 17, 2007
Written by: Jeff Pinkner and Brian K. Vaughn
Directed by Stephen Williams

It's the second Desmond episode of season three. It is the 66th episode of LOST produced. It is episode 317 of season three. I've come up with a more coherent way to write the LOST episode of the day so I will switch into that mode right now.

Content: When Desmond has a flash of a stranger arriving on the Island, he recruits Charlie, Hurley and Jin to join him. Meanwhile, Kate seduces Sawyer after witnessing Jack and Juliet together.

Why It's Worth Re-Watching: Not only is this the episode in which Desmond and Penny meet but it is the episode when we meet the first member of the Freighter: Naomi. The content above is the original description of the episode from a television weekly publication or something so it really doesn't reveal anything. Desmond enlists Charlie first because (he doesn't tell Charlie) he thinks Charlie needs to die THAT DAY in order for everything to work out. Hurley and Jin tag along which results in one of the funniest scenes in the series (the walking/whistling the theme from Bridge of River Kwaiscene). Desmond's extremly intense throughout the process. I view this episode as the beginning of the endgame for LOST. We don't get to where we are without the freighter. The introduction of rescue was momentous during season three. Everybody expected the series to end with rescue. Of course one had to be skeptical if anything would come of the rescue. The big thing we were expect to believe is that Naomi came on Penny's boat. After all, she had a photograph of Desmond and Penny in her Portugese edition of Joseph Heller's Catch 22. Knowing what we do know, this episode is tremendous to watch. It's a very cool experience. There's no Others in this one. Eloise Hawking shows up as well. Back then, we knew very, very little about her. There's a subplot with a jealous Kate and her sleeping with Sawyer because she's depressed about Jack and Juliet but the meat of the episode is with Desmond and Charlie.

Other Reasons to Re-Watch: Fantastic scene when Jin is telling a ghost story and he scares the bejeesus out of Hurley. It's fantastic.

[caption id="attachment_729" align="aligncenter" width="180" caption="Jin telling his scary story in Korean"]Jin telling his scary story in Korean[/caption]

Desmond's flashback is pretty great too. We discover that Penny's not the first girl he feared commitment with. He joined a monastery to get out of marrying Ruth. And Jack and Sawyer battle in ping pong which is fantastic. They manage to like eachother for a few minutes but then Kate is brought up and it ruins all the fun for Sawyer.

For fun, here's what I wrote about the episode two years ago: "As far as tonight's episode, I enjoyed the questions of sacrifice, fate, running away/running to, and the Catch-22 parallels." I obviously became much more blowhardy.

Here's two videos of the "Catch-22" highlights so to speak. YouTube is king as is Portugal.



Overwhelming response to the first Oasis Off. Am I being serious? Anywho,  time for the next song in Oasis Off.

Today's song: Rock N' Roll Star

It is the first song off of their debut "Definitely, Maybe." It is the first song on their greatest hits album "Stop The Clocks." Considering the sky-rocket confidence that we've seen from Liam and Noel about their music, there is no better song to open their careers as musicians. "Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star" is a prophecy. Eventually there'll be some kind of voting process for the greatest known or well-known song but once again I am prepared to decide it myself if need be.

Noel said, about this song: "Rock n Roll Star is the whole manifesto of the band. I ve never wanted to say anything else in a tune. We re going to be rock stars, and even if we don t, even if we re just playing the fucking Boardwalk the rest of our lives, we re going to act like fucking rock stars. When we started it, my ambitions were to have a jet, a monkey, a house in Ibiza. Did I ever get a monkey? I ve got Liam. He s the only monkey I ll ever need."

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.