I have come to the realization that less is certainly more for this blog. There's about a 1% chance you'll see a another 3,800 word entry for the rest of the summer. LOST might strike my fancy which is why I left a 1% chance. I also remembered that entertainment is my biggest focus at The Quad since I am, you know, the editor of that section; therefore, the experiential piece I planned to write will no longer be written as it would contain very little entertainment besides a bit about LOST, two video games, and multiple failed journeys to see Pixar's UP, so it wouldn't even be a review of the movie but rather a review of my experiences trying to see the movie. I did battle Colin, our Editor-In-Chief, for the position of Editor-In-Chief in a game of Touch Football. Do not misunderstand me: it was literally touch football that we played on Peter J. Smith's iPod touch. I set an over/under of 19.5 points. I took the under. Colin didn't even put the position on the line as much as I stated that me and him would play for the position of Editor-In-Chief. It's a simple game. All one does is slide their index finger on the screen to try to a score a touchdown. I sadly lost the touch I had when I battled Smith months earlier. It was Diddy's first time playing the game (and Diddy is the nickname I've given Colin).
[caption id="attachment_613" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The two savvy competitors in Touch Football"]
The question that everybody seeks an answer to is: Am I the new Editor-In Chief of The Quad? Did I, in fact, defeat and whisk the title from Diddy?
I did not. In fact, he shut me out. A 12-0 final. I didn't even come close to ever scoring. Either my slide was too powerful or my index finger betrayed me when it was my turn i.e. it barely moved. Diddy displayed a calm poise, allowing the game to come to him, to reveal itself. It was fun though.
Back to the point: I was struck on Sunday night by the realization of the entertainment aspect of this blog. It's not like I strayed. I didn't. I merely planned to stray into other areas of non-entertainment. I was also struck by how enjoyable "less" can be than "more." I will write as much as needed for LOST and anything else entertainment but I won't put an entry on life support to satisfy an internal blowhard word-count that is in no way mandated by The Quad. I can be my own worst enemy.
'True Blood' has become the show that will occupy me during the hiatus of LOST. I'm not the type of person to toss a show aside once LOST returns though. In fact, Dawson's Creek was an 'Occupy Me' show once upon a time.
[caption id="attachment_611" align="alignnone" width="316" caption="Hell to the Yeah."]
hah we shall again have to do battle for the EIC crown. PErhpas you could put your OC title on the line as well???
Indeed I can put the OC title on the line next time.
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