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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Game of Thrones Casting, Alphas, HBO

The month of August came out of nowhere, eh? In a little over a month, the 2011-2012 television season begins. In the coming weeks, I'll write my previews of new shows and returning shows for each major network as well as for the cable and premium channels. In the mean time, I have some thoughts to about Game of Thrones, Alphas and HBO.

--The second season of Game of Thrones began production over a week ago in Dublin, Ireland. The producers have revealed whom they cast for major roles in the second season of the show. Yesterday, I learned that Benioff and Weiss changed the name of one character because they feared confusion between she and Osha. In season one, they changed Robert Arryn's name to Robin Arryn to avoid confusion. I understand that Hollywood, whether it's film or TV, perceives the audience as a collection of morons whose hands need to be held. Will the majority of the audience really confuse the name Asha with Osha? Would the audience have confused a seven year old boy with the name Robert with the hulking, bearded king Robert Baratheon? No and no. I'd rant more but there's no point. Also, I just finished the second book and look forward to a great many things in the TV adaptation.

--The summer never lacks for original programming. On Syfy, a superhero series called Alphas premiered a month ago. I briefly considered writing about it weekly until I remembered how annoyed I became writing about No Ordinary Family and The Cape. Alphas had the same positive hype that all superhero shows receive before their premiere. People badly want a great show about superheroes but, folks, that show will never be created unless some creative mind breaks the conventions of the genre. In Alphas, there's a shady company that doesn't have the alphas best interests in mind. The Alphas of America don't trust anyone from the company. Gary, in particular, begins to mistrust Dr. Rosen. I've continued watching for the future Summer Glau episode. If not for her, I'd bail on the series because the genre's run its course for me. The whole world of Alphas is neither engaging nor interesting.

--On HBO, True Blood's been the same nonsense week after week. However, the amnesia arc with Eric's been entertaining and far less annoying than I anticipated in my review of the second episode. Fiona Shaw's continued the tradition of Big Bads who over-act. Curb Your Enthusiasm's hasn't missed a beat since season seven ended. The episodes have been great. Larry's already included Richard Lewis twice, had Susie freak out gave Leon a B story. The Palestinian chicken episode's among the great Curbs for the hate-sex scene and for Funkhauser's turn as a devoted Jewish man.


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.