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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Vampire Diaries "Katerina" Review

The arc of the second season continues to progress and the plot progressively thickens. For the second week in a row, TVD treated its viewers to a massive exposition dump. The curse of the moonstone can be broken through the death of Elena and all her friends. Katherine has been running from an original vampire called Klaus since 1492 after her family disowned her. The original vampires are very powerful, more powerful than any other generation of vampires. For example, an original vampire can destroy glass with only twenty or so quarters. The original vamps possess the ability to compel other vampires. Two warlocks, a father and son, moved into town. The elder warlock works with the original vampires. Elena learned that she bears responsibility for the harm her family and friends encounter because she belongs to the Petrova blood; therefore, her blood can break the curse. Also, Katherine revealed her plan. She needed Caroline as a vampire for sacrifice as well as a werewolf and her doppelganger.

The problem is, the arc isn't interesting. The villains aren't compelling or even terrifying. Klaus is a man without a physical identity. Katherine and Slater, the tertiary vampire character only talk about how powerful and dangerous Klaus is. Elijah causes all of the damage in "Katerina" with the implication that Klaus can cause damage and much more. Klaus loves vengeance. Katherine believed she escaped his torment and vengeance only to find her father murdered by the vamp I'd like to refer to as Santa Klaus. Klaus reminds me of D'Hoffryn, a Buffy character who once reminded Anya that vengeance demons never go for the kill when they can go for the pain. Perhaps L.J. Smith or Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec thought of the character and decided, "well, Santa Klaus will go for the pain AND the kill."

12 episodes remain in the season and I dread watching the central arc unfold, knowing that it won't conclude until the season finale. The new characters lack the intrigue that the villains possessed in the first season.

In an exposition dump like this episode, the B and C stories move at a snail's pace and reek of filler. For example, Caroline and Stefan spent most of their screentime discussing Tyler. Caroline summarizes the B story from last week. Stefan wishes she kept her vampiric secret to herself. But she simply wants to waste time and keep Stefan from going to Elena. The story mirrors the writers and their desire to not move the story too fast because, after all, 12 episodes remain. Damon and Rose visit an old vampire friend named Slater. He essentially tells them what Katherine tells Elena about Klaus. The story exists to bring Damon and Rose together sexually. With death an inevitably unless one looks out for one's own self, Rose advises Damon to forget about Elena. But, after fornication, Rose knows Damon cannot turn off his love for Elena.

The episode was very weak but not as terrible as last week's episode. Two consecutive weeks of dud episodes though.

Other thoughts:

-Nina Dobrev was great in "Katerina." Elena and Katherine played a large role and Dobrev rose to the occasion.

-Luca, the warlock, told Bonnie that he hopes he and his father can fit in the small town. TVD isn't a subtle show. Witches and warlocks are only African-Americans. I never trust The CW with things like this.

-Why bother with the high school aspect of the show anymore? Why does Stefan continue to attend high school? Slater had the right idea by getting 18 degrees and 4 PhDs though who knows how he paid for college. College is expensive for undergrads and gets more expensive with each degree.

-Andrew Chambliss, the former Dollhouse writer, wrote the episode. J. Miller Torbin directed.

-The Vampire Diaries won't return until December 2. The CW cares not for November sweeps.

NOTE: Considering I wrote three posts in 1 day, there will not be anything new tomorrow. If I do write something new, it'll be up in the evening. Also, please read my NFL picks and my Terriers review will were posted earlier in the day.


Mad Men--"The Wheel"--Written By Matthew Weiner and Robin Veith--


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.