Now, the episode had three references to LOST--the show Jorge Garcia worked on for six years as the lovable Hurley. Immediately, I want to write 4,000 words about LOST for old times sake. I remain thankful for the six years of awesome television LOST produced. I digress. Perhaps the Blitz (a name given to a person who misses amazing/awesome things once they leave the room) represents the plethora of fans who abandoned the show after two seasons or turned their back on the show despite the greatest series finale of all-time. More likely, the writers wanted to have fun and the Blitz allowed the fun to occur.
Indeed, fun was had. For 21 minutes, the gang simply had fun (except for the character who became the Blitz). The episode stands alone except for the progression of the Ted and Zoey arc, which bordered on redundant considering the show advanced the relationship between the two in the museum. The regression of Lily continued at an alarming pace. She steals now. The gang went from place to place in hopes of finding a spot for their thanksgiving dinner (since Robin broke Ted's whilst dancing) until they settled on joining Zoey for Thanksgiving.
At Zoey's, Barney wallowed in his Blitzness while Zoey and Ted bickered like two characters with sexual tension. The bickering climaxed once Ted compared Zoey to Cinderella's evil step bother. Zoey, hurt by the comparison, kicked the gang out of her house. Later, Ted realized why Zoey felt wounded by the comparison. Earlier, Zoey invited the gang to spend Thanksgiving with her because her husband spends the holiday with his daughter. In the cab, following Lily's boasts about her theft of a toy turkey, Ted concluded that Zoey felt sad and hurt because her husband and step-daughter rejected her on the holiday. Ted returns, with his nonsense turkey, and the two become friends for the second time in November.
Nothing much happened for the second week in a row. Last week, Ted decided to be his friend's best man at a wedding which proved the show did not forget about the season premiere. This week, more Ted and Zoey stuff.
Many fans of the show have expressed their negative opinions about Jennifer Morrison to which I respond with this: who is responsible for the character? Yes, Jennifer Morrison portrays the character but she doesn't write the character. Alyson Hanigan's one of my favorite actresses because of Buffy and her character continues to suck on a weekly basis in this show. Jennifer Morrison is delightful and I hope Zoey never leaves the show.
In other news, Warner Brothers will reboot the Buffy franchise without the involvement of Joss Whedon. A young screenwriter, Whit Anderson, will pen the script. Drew Goddard's become a successful features screenwriter. Why not hire a former Buffy writer for the reboot? If Goddard got the gig, the Whedonverse wouldn't revolt. But Buffy will be rebooted sans the cast and crew that made Buffy into one of the great television shows of all-time, and there's no use crying about it. Hollywood will do what they do. Us fans will always have the seven seasons of the show.
Everwood--"Unhappy Holidays"--Written By John E. Pogue
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