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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jacob's Foot: Intentionally Ambiguous New Promo

It's a special Saturday update here in The Foot thanks to the newest promo ABC has released. The promo features ONE frame of new footage but it happens so fast that I had to take the easy way and follow's exact mark to the new footage. The new footage just drives the anticipation more so for me and will probably lead to yet another dream about the premiere. Anywho, here's the video and, following the video, is a good ol' breakdown:

--Well, the new footage is of Claire holding a gun, POINTING IT AT SOMEONE. Did not see that coming at all. And she looks pretty angry. One thing the frame suggests is support of my 'there will be no time reboot' thoughts; however, we just witnessed a season in which two groups of characters were separated by 30 years. I will probably regret writing this sentence but hey, no one reads this so it doesn't matter, and nah I will not write what I'm thinking. Should I be correct, I'll mention it in the recap/thoughts/whatever you want to call it for the season six opener. I gotta keep telling myself 'nearly only one week remaining til it returns.'

--The promo is, in LOST fashion, intentionally ambiguous. The first 14 seconds reverse scenes from the show. John Locke is seen ascending to his father instead of falling away after being pushed out of the building. Jack is seen pushing the door close and keeping the water out, reversing what he actually did in "A Tale of Two Cities." The Hatch countdown is counting upwards, suggesting detonating Jughead achieved the desired outcome. Following that, Oceanic 815 does not break apart but, rather, comes together. And then we get a split-second of Claire holding and pointing a gun followed by events on the Island that are as they were. There's even a shot of people flying out of Oceanic 815. Again, intentionally ambiguous. writes that the newest promo provides a clue. One could say it does but it's intentionally ambiguous more than anything. I am open to absolutely anything. I trust Damon Lindelof's and Carlton Cuse's vision.

--On a final note, let's all enjoy "The Incident"  re-air on Tuesday night and then enjoy the realization that new LOST is very, very close. I'll be back with an all-new blowhardy entry Wednesday.

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.