[caption id="attachment_867" align="alignnone" width="265" caption="The eclipse taking place all over Asia."]
I'm extremely excited for football season. It's always a good time with football. Since I like to stick to the entertainment side of life I don't write too much about sports. Luckily, television and sports for reality shows like MLB Network's The Pen (focused on the great Phillies bullpen) and in a few weeks HBO's Hard Knocks returns with the Cincinnati Bengals being the team of choice. It was only two years ago the world enjoyed the antics of the Cincinattica Bengals (Sports Guy's nickname for them of course). Only comedy can ensue from Hard Knocks: The Cincinnatti Bengals. Yes, I will review this on a (hopefully) weekly basis. It'll be terrific. Speaking of The Pen though...
The show delivered the best episode yet. The middle of the episode focused on Clay 'The Con Man' Condrey's journey to the major leagues (David Murphy, of course, wrote about his journey in March for the Daily News--terrific piece), the episode updated folks on Jack Taschner's re-assignment to the IronPigs, and they actually didn't speed through 3 weeks of baseball action. The show didn't bother to delight their audience and indulge them in the 22-1 victory over the Reds but Mitch did narrate a series of highlights of what the guys do in the bullpen during games. Tyler Walker being designated for assignment has yet to come in The Pen but I'm sure it'll be a doozy. Overall, I've enjoyed the look-in at the bullpen. I haven't learned anything new about the bullpen. I think they are saving all of the actual who they are outside of baseball for next week. Highlights have been when the crew followed Lidge to Reading for a rehab assignment, the pen's adventures in San Diego, the lunch when Taschner, Walker, Lidge, and Condrey recalled their major league debuts.
In this episode, the Rev's wife got sexy with Jason in a bathtub (her reward for him), Jason once again moved up in the ranks of the Sun, Godric (or is it Goddrick) was revealed as the Maker of Eric, Lafayette is back at Merlotte's and not the same ol' Lafayette, Daphne is also a shapeshifter and Sam likes her even more now, Maryann continues to be a so and so by messing with Tara at work as well as wearing Grams' clothes and inviting and then manipulating her way to a permanent stay in Sookie's house, Tara continues to be played, Sookie bothers Barry a whole lot, Godric's crew aren't loyal, Jessica and Hoyt are a more interesting couple than Bill and Sookie, Bill is still hilarious, Terry and Arlene seemed to have become close thanks to Maryann's 'whatever-the-hell-she-does-to-people' jawn, and Sookie agreed to go undercover within the Fellowship of the Sun. I enjoyed 'Never Let Me Go.' First of all, the title reminded me of the Third Eye Blind song 'Never Let You Go' and, secondly, interesting things transpired. Sam continues to be suave as hell. Looking forward to next week.
Doc Jensen posted 15 questions that fans want answered in season six. I will do that as well in the future. Comic Con is THIS weekend. The LOST panel is Saturday. I'll provide my thoughts on not only LOST but also Dollhouse and any other panel Joss Whedon is on. Perhaps I'll even cover Kevin Williamson's The Vampire Diaries starring Boone from LOST. I might indeed wait to comment on LOST's panel until I listen to the podcast. Decisions, decisions. Surely I'll be providing you with Dollhouse material. Onto the episode:
The episode: Pilot, Part 2
Original Airdate: September 29, 2004
Written By: J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof (Story by JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof, and Jeffrey Lieber)
Directed By: J.J. Abrams
Content: A group of survivors attempt to broadcast a distress signal for help, while Jack tries to save a man who has been impaled by a piece of shrapnel from the plane. Flashbacks show the events just prior to the crash from the points of view of Kate and Charlie.
Why It's Worth Re-Watching: Ideally, you watch the pilot as a whole and not in parts but as this is the episode of the day and not episodes...you know the deal. It is a request by STEVE, the other man behind the weekly in-season LOST rankings. Obviously, for rewatchability, it's the second half of the Pilot that began it all--all the magic, mystery, intrigue, etc. It's the beginning of a very special series. The end of the episode will leave the unitiated in silence. Mostly, it's cool to see how the series has progressed. The people were as mysterious as the Island they were on. One of my favorite scenes in this episode leads to a subplot in Hearts and Minds. I won't give either away because it'll make it less fun when you re-watch and connect the dots. Sawyer shoots a polar bear, Rousseau's transmission is picked up and translated by Shannon, Sawyer's backstory is hinted at when he looks at the letter he wrote to himself while Giachinno's music swells, Locke tells Walt a secret (also has one of my favorite Locke lines), the symbolism of Backgammon, Jack begins his attempt to heal Edward Mars, Hurley faints at the sight of Mars' blood, Claire feels her baby again after eating shellfish Jin made for people, etc, etc. It ends with Charlie's infamous words: 'Guys...where are we?'
"Slide Away"
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