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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jacob's Foot: Confirmed Lyla


I feel incredibly unproductive from a writer's standpoint. David Murphy of the Philadelphia Daily News, since Monday, wrote two game stories for the Phils, four 'notes' or 'notebook' pieces for the Daily News, and penned two substantial blog entries (one of those entries nailed the prevalent problem with American citizens). I am happy to report that David Murphy finished season three of LOST yesteve and is quickly approaching the time-traveling antics of season five. Ah, LOST. I have not written a single blog entry yet for the week. The Phillies are still struggling. I'm not too worried. Don't get me wrong though: I am concerned, especially when an opposing team's pitcher ONCE AGAIN flirts with a no-hitter against the Phillies. There's been a little too much of that lately. I am wiser though. Baseball is a game of ebbs and flows, of peaks and troughs as FIFA08 describes the tumbles and the triumphs of a season. Phillies games haven't been particularly enjoyable to watch lately. I enjoyed the 10-0 win over the Jays (of course). Happ pitched wonderfully. And the 5-4 win on Sunday. What is more painful to watch are the blown leads, the extra-inning heartbreaks, etc. There still things to be enjoyed during these games though. For example, the banter between Sarge and T-Mac borders on idiotic and is usually ridiculous, whenever Werth makes a fantastically casual catch in the outfield (he's the most casual outfielder in baseball), the entire infield defensively, etc.

As for True Blood, the third episode was a success. Follow me as I write more about it:

--In this episode, Jason began to feel as if the retreat wasn't for him, Sookie was nearly killed by a bull jawn, Sam is ready to leave Bon Tams for a bit, the writers seem like they are setting up a double twist with Lafayette who was freed in exchange for Sookie agreeing to go to Dallas to investigate the missing sheriff of area 9, Jessica and Hoyt became friendly with eachother, and Maryann continues to be the worst part of this show.

--I, of course, think Maryann is the bull jawn. She couldn't have been too happy when Sookie offered Tara a place in her house to stay. I'm not sure about anything in this plotline though because we don't really know anything but Maryann is big on getting people to copulate, and Tara. She also can make pigs disappear should a local detective inquire about a livestock permit. Also, I feel like Daphne is involved. Of course I'm not clear on what the significance of her having the scar of the bull jawn is. I probably need to re-watch to hear what the doctor said about it.

That's really all I have in me for True Blood this week. This episode, amazingly enough, was more like a setup for what's to come. Very enjoyable though. The show continues to get better.



The episode: Confirmed Dead
Original Airdate: February 7, 2008
Written By: Drew "Jaboy" Goddard & Brian K. Vaugn
Directed By: Stephen Williams

Content: The survivors begin to question the intentions of their supposed rescuers when four strangers arrive on the Island.

Why It's Worth Re-Watching: It's a richer episode now than it was when it first aired as we know all about Faraday, Miles, Lapidus, and Charlotte. The writers did a great job introducing the audience to the newest characters. This episode is the first to set up how Widmore's involved in everything. We get the hint and eventually are told the rescue isn't the number one priorty (they want Benny boy among other things). Widmore, as we know, never had the intention of rescuing the Losties. Aside from plot stuff, it is a really enjoyable episode. I love the stuff with Locke and the people who went with him. Jack's great throughout the episode. He protects Kate and Juliet. One of my favorite scenes is when Jack asks Miles and Daniel politely to put the guns down. And, of course, who can forget the great exchange between Sawyer and Locke about Tall Walt? There's a great scene between Abbadon and Naomi as well. This is an absolutely essential LOST episode.

For Fun, Here's The 2008 Rankings and my original commentary on the episode (Exact Date: Feb 9, 2008):

Jack was great in this episode. He wasn't as secretive as he was last season with Juliet. I think the split between him and Locke is just going to 'up' his game so to speak. Jack's going to be great this season. And I think things are going to get ugly in Team Locke. If I didn't say it last week, I think Locke is the man in that coffin from the season three finale.

And Christian Sheperd is DEAD (a note to that: i got tired of people arguing that Christian never died so I wrote that).

As for the Rankings, we added two characters! Karl and Alex are in the rankings and caused some characters to drop a bit more. Steve is getting tighter with his rankings. He wants to see production or else they drop. Jin was the first victim of that as well. I have a new character in last place. Steve has a new number two. But enough of this...let's get to the OFFICIAL LOST rankings for this week:


1. Sayid
2. Desmond
3. Sawyer
4. Jack
5. Kate
6. Locke
7. Jin
8. Claire
9. Hurley
10. Karl
11. Alex
12. Rousseau
13. Ben
14. Juliet
15. Sun

1. Sayid
2. Sawyer
3. Desmond
4. Locke
5. Jack
6. Kate
7. Alex
8. Claire
9. Jin
10. Karl
11. Rousseau
12. Hurley
13. Sun
14. Ben
15. Juliet



You know the deal by now. I have a ton of Oasis songs to post in the next weeks and then you'll or I will figure out the best known or well-known song. Here is Lyla from the album Don't Believe The Truth.


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.