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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some Thoughts BEFORE the 100th episode 'The Variable.'

Written by Chris Monigle


[caption id="attachment_81" align="alignnone" width="235" caption="Destiny's a big deal."]Destiny's a big deal.[/caption]

So, it's the middle of Final Week so of course I have to write about LOST as the 100th episode nears. I mean, come on, it's the 100th episode! This is a big deal. This won't be an exhaustive entry (I'm saving that for after the 100th episode) but I do have some thoughts to share about the season so far and where I think it is going as we head into the final three weeks of season five. Boy is that a depressing reality. But I cannot think about that. This is the time of year, with LOST, when I begin dreaming about, re-watching old episodes like it is literally my job. And I HAVE BEEN watching old episodes sporadically thanks to the SCI-FI airing the second season at 1AM. It's fantastic. But anywho, here's some thoughts as we head into the 100th episode of LOST!


--Episode 100 is entitled 'The Variable,' which means 'changeable' or 'apt to vary.' In LOST terms, it's gotta mean: 'we're going to see just how solid whatever happened, happened' actually is. I pretty much believe anything that comes out of Daniel Faraday's mouth when it comes to time travel so when I see him in the preview saying 'any one of us can die,' I'm prepared for anything to happen. There's only one other character who I trust with explanations: Joop the Monkey (and 1,000,000,000 you are a super duper points to whoever knows what I'm talking about and who Joop actually is). Actually, I'll just tell you who Joop is. Joop is the monkey who would've opened up the finale if the show had ever been abruptly cancelled, to explain everything about LOST. He would also have a pipe in his mouth. Lindelof and Cuse are kings, folks. Anywho, I'll be honest with you, readers: I have had this in the back of my mind since 'This Place Is Death' I mean. I didn't write out what I was thinking. I wrote about it in a vague fashion because that's how I roll I suppose (FYI: You can access older reviews of LOST episodes with a search of my name on I'll get this blog up to date once school is over). Originally, I thought (and this will NOT happen) that the Oceanic 6 might change the history of The Purge but that won't happen because it simply can't happen because of when they are. I have to see 'The Variable' before I go further into my thoughts about changing time/integrity of the show/whatever happened, happened/promises by Lindelof and Cuse, etc. But I do have an idea in my head about where this season is going to and how it relates to the tagline of season five: Destiny Calls.

--In 'Some Like It Hoth,' we see the beginning stages of The Swan station. Hurley's face drops once he hears the numbers as a worker stamps them on the outside of the Hatch door. Miles wonders what's going on because Hurley knows the number 42 before the construction worker yells to the other guy. Hurley tells Miles that they're building a hatch. Miles asks, 'What Hatch?' and Hurley tells him, "The one that crashed our plane." So now here comes my idea which has been floating around in my head. I wasn't sure if I was going to be vague about it or tell it outright but I suppose I've come this far. In the previews we see Jack and Kate on the run. Things are falling apart for our castaways in the future New Otherton. And then there's The Incident. The Incident was introduced in season two, episode three. We don't know what happened. All we know is something happened that forced a person to type in 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 every 108 minutes or something bad will happen. Any number of things can be the cause of it: electromagnetism as seen with the death of Alvarez and, of course, Jughead. Whatever happens with The Incident will directly involve our favorite castaways. They will be the reason why their plane crashes in September 2004. 

--Enough about 'The Variable' for now. As always, I don't really care if what I think doesn't happen. I'm all about the story, and I know whatever Lindelof and Cuse have planned will be awesome. As for the season so far, it has been very enjoyable. 'Jughead' is one of the best episodes of the series and my favorite so far of season five. I've enjoyed the character development with Jack. I absolutely love how some are in 1977 and others are in 2007. It's fantastic. And this season has been packed with answers and information about the mythology of the show. We got Rousseau's backstory, introduced to The Temple...and all that jazz. But I'll stop writing about the season so far here. I prefer writing about each season as a completed whole. Yes.

That's about all I have. I'm really excited for the 100th hour of LOST. It has been a wonderful journey so far. A big congrats to the cast and crew of LOST from all five seasons! 'The Variable' TOMORROW NIGHT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.