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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jacob's Foot: TONIGHT! + Preseason Rankings


This is it. Tonight is the night. The sixth and final season of the greatest show ever begins tonight. With it comes great excitement but a bit of sadness because this is the end of the final hiatus. There will be no more excrutiating 8 month hiatuses (which isn't the worst thing in the world considering the intense cliffhangers and then all that time in between). This is the last season premiere. But, believe me, it's pretty much all excitement here in The Foot. I'm so excited to see the opening of the final chapter of this mesmerizing story. My fictional friends are returning tonight. Yes, my fictional friends. I'm totally aware that I'm a geek. I'm going to be so glad to see all my favorite characters again tonight, to find out what the heck happened when Jughead went off, and to immerse myself back in this world that I love.

Jeff Jensen and the other LOST fantatics over at discussed the possible viewership of the final season. Will old fans that gave up on the show return? That's a good question. I think everyone in the world will tune in to see the final two hours of the show in May. I'm not sure people hop on board now and, if they do, they might be a bit confused. But I hope people who once enjoyed (or even loved) the show do return but I hope they understand what LOST is now. I also hope, as some EW writers said, that the writers write this season for those who never strayed and I think they will. If there's any indication of that, it goes back to last season's premiere when good ol' Neil Frogurt showed up just in time to be killed by a flaming arrow in the '50s and the writers trusted the viewers with all of the time-travel they were set to do so, yes, I absolutely think the long-time, loyal fans will be rewarded and it all begins tonight. I've been ready since "The Incident" ended to begin the final journey of LOST so I simply cannot wait for "LA X" to air at 9PM.

As for the pre-season rankings, I hope that this doesn't disappoint anyone but the pre-season rankings are only a repeat of the rankings for "The Incident." I copy and paste what me and STEVE wrote for "The Incident." It's been this way for a few years. Hopefully, these rankings serve as a reminder for where each character was last season. Before I copy and paste the rankings in, I'll put a reminder out there that the recap will be posted tomorrow.




1. Desmond-He's been missed

2. Sayid-he'll survive that bullet wound or land safely in LAX

3. Jack-The most bad-ass Jack has ever been was this finale

4. Richard-the coolest Other ever

5. Hurley-No one drives a dharma van like Hurley

6. Sawyer-what a goodbye with Juliet.

7. Jin-Only dude taking care of Sayid.

8. Ben-Probably my favorite Ben season yet

9. Juliet-I'll miss her. I really warmed up to her since she first appeared.

10. Miles-The second most logical character on the show plus agreed with me about Jack causing the Incident

11. Kate-Good ol' Kate

12. Sun-Poor Sun.

13. Frank-Always liked Frank. Just doesn't get enough screen time.

14. Daniel-Did he, in fact, make time?

15. Widmore-Nature of the Rankings Beast

16. "Locke"-No idea how to rank this dude now


1. Desmond-Please come back

2. Sayid-Alive or dead at numba 2

3. Kate-Sexy

4. Miles-Miles is jaboy for using his head at times where no one else would

5. Sawyer-We loved his emotion in the last episode

6. Ben-Mans up and stays at 6

7. "Locke"-R.I.P. John Locke

8. Jin-Didn't get enough exposure this season

9. Richard-Wild for not aging

10. Frank-Frank's a good guy. He means well and he needs more airtim.

11. Sun-poor Sun, stuck with a dead locke, a real locke, a man who doesn't age, and a man she doesn't trust.

12. Jack-Jack

13. Widmore-We don't know enough about him yet I feel

14. Hurley-Only reason he was ranked that high is because of last week's laugh he gave us.

15. Daniel-Last time he'll be on the rankings hopefully.

16. Juliet-She is dead last for trying to control Sawyer and being a famous 5 letter word that begins with B. She deserved to die.

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.