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Monday, July 19, 2010

Life After Jacob's Foot: The Return of Jacob's Foot

Well, it's a sad day for Flyers nation because Simon Gagne has been traded to the Tampa Bay Lightning. It seems reasonable to assume Homer will use the cap space to sign the man who lost his job to Kari Lehtonen. No, that is not a ringing endorsement. Trust me. I had Kari Lehtonen on my fantasy hockey team for a season. Bad times. The man I refer to is Marty Turco.

Gagne was the longest tenured Flyer and the 2nd longest tenured Philadelphia athlete. Simply, Simon Gagne is awesome. I had to offer a small portion of today's blog to Simon Gagne. Fans could argue that without Gagne returning in Game 4 of the semis against Boston that history would not have been made. Without Gagne's amazing game 6 OT goal in the eastern conference finals, there would be no game 7 against Tampa Bay in 2004.

All we fans can hope for is that Homer finally devotes himself to understanding the cap because the dude has traded a huge amount of offense in the last year and a half to create cap space. Thankfully one of those deals landed the team Pronger. But I'm still not a fan of Upshall for Carcillo. Also, this quote from Raw Charge does not make one feel any better about getting Matt Walker and his 1.7 million dollar cap-hit plus the knowledge that he'll just be waived to create more cap-space.
" Walker is solid but not flashy... Yet he's overpaid while the Bolts have a load of defensemen in the system just waiting to prove themselves. For the Flyers to take Walker and his $1.7 Million per-year contract off the Bolts hands is breathtaking... Especially while wanting o clear cap space."

Check out Post Collegiate Apocalypse for more Simon Gagne stuff.

Anywho, I write in here today because I have a happy announcement. There is a good chance the only one delighted by the announcement is me, the announcer. It is safe to say that The Foot has not been the same since LOST has ended. I know I gained a new reader or two since LOST ended because there was nothing to write about. I'm not Jeff Jensen and I do not have a long theory about how the Island had a flashforward 2,000 years before the characters arrived on the Island. As any loyal reader knows, I loathe the world of LOST theorists. In fact, I've barely surfed LOST message boards since the show ended. I wrote my 10,000 word finale piece and decided to let it be for awhile. I have not even been on pins and needles awaiting Damon and Carlton to end their radio silence. I may've sent Damon a tweet asking about the duration of radio silence but I have not experienced the feelings I felt after every season, and that is because of the conclusion. There were no insane cliffhangers. I'm happy with how the series ended and the story that Damon, Carlton and all of the writers told.

Obviously, the announcement involves LOST. I pre-ordered the final season on DVD last night with an Amazon giftcard. I even spent extra cash because I want the DVD on the day it is released. I know I said that Jacob's Foot is no more; however, I lied. Jacob's Foot has one last thing left to do and that is review the DVD. This DVD review will not be your typical DVD review. My initial plan has the review broken into four parts. Perhaps I will write about the entire season again, using the complete knowledge I have of the sideways. I will surely review all four commentaries in the format of an episode review like I did for the "Because You Left" commentary. I will review the bonus features and the deleted scenes. I look forward to the scene cut from "What They Died For" in which Claire defiantly stands up to MIB. I will review the LOST: On Location(s) because I'm a huge fan of that feature.

But, really, Jacob's Foot has always been a place where I could write 4,000 words on an original episode. Jacob's Foot, in all actuality, captured my experience of watching LOST as a fan. As all LOST aficionados know, the DVD features the final original piece of storytelling from Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. The title is "The New Man In Charge." It is 12 minutes of film devoted to Hurley and Ben's life on the Island after Jack died and the Ajira plane left. Entertainment Weekly released a still in their latest issue. Here is the picture:

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Image Credit:"][/caption]

Michael Emerson told EW's Adam B. Vary that Ben is going to Dharma installations and closing them down. Emerson notes that there are surprises and answers given in the 12 minutes. For the final time, I will watch original LOST content and then write about it and then post it to Quad Blogs. Anyone who wonders if I can write 4,000 words on 12 minutes, the answer is yes because I wrote over 1,000 for a webisode last year during the hiatus. I promise the big verbose entries are on the horizon.

In 1 month, Jacob's Foot returns for the final time and will be around for as much time I need to cover all of the DVD and any interviews Damon and Carlton might give.

Until then, expect the usual nonsense in the spinoff of Jacob's Foot. I'm planning a Week of Whedon. I'm still unsure about reviewing Mad Men. Every now and then, I'll chime in about the current seasons of True Blood and Entourage.


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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.