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Monday, May 24, 2010

"The End" of LOST

The implications of Jughead were unsettling. I didn't want the Island to not matter and be wiped clean. Season Six opened with the Sideways while act one opened with everybody awaking on the Island. Throughout the season, I let the Sideways unfold without thinking too much into it. Once the Island memories began, I knew it was safe. Jughead's purpose was to prevent The Incident that would lead the hatch being built and Oceanic 815 landing on the Island. It never did work. The Losties caused the incident that would eventually bring them to the Island. It always mattered. I open with this because...

It is time for me to guide you about what exactly happened in the final two scenes of the show. Christian explained to Jack that they were all dead and that everyone dies sometime in their lives. He told Jack that the experience on the Island actually happened. Folks, it's not hard to understand. Stop treating LOST like it's an impossible puzzle to figure out. It's a story about these people and their meaning in one another's lives. Christian explained that they all created this place, these sideways, together so that they could be together, remember, let go and move on. It does not mean that they were dead all along. Listen to what Christian said. It was all real. The experience on the Island was the most important time in their lives for themselves and each other. As for the final seconds of the flash sideways, when the bright light embraced them all and the scene went white...well, that is open to interpretation. And I'll offer my interpretation as I journey through "The End."

The journey of LOST has been very special for me. It's hard to convey in words just how important the show became to me throughout the six seasons I watched it. I've defended it. I stand by it. It premiered while I was a senior in high school (a very special year in and of itself) and I am a college graduate now that it has ended. I've long said that it doesn't matter what other people say against the show because it really doesn't. It became an extremely personal experience for me during the first season and continued to become even more personal as the series progressed. As I've said, it's hard for me to convey just how much this show meant to me. Throughout the days leading up to the series finale, I thought a lot about this show and reflected on what it's meant to me. The simple answer: the characters and the journey they took together. And as I continue with this, I think my tremendous love and respect for the show will be well represented. Let me dive in...

Six years ago, Jack awoke in a bamboo forest and sprung into action. In "The End," he died where it had all begun. Damon spoke about the circularity of the story in a Rolling Stone interview earlier this year before "LA X" had aired. His work was done. The Island was his destiny. The story of LOST has largely been about Jack Shephard. He was a broken man and alone when he came to the Island. He never resolved the issues he had with his father. The memory of his father haunted him until he died. In addition to the unresolved issues he had with his father, he had dark qualities. He was a man who stalked his ex-wife, Sarah. He destroyed his engagement with Kate because he was jealous of Sawyer but it mostly came from within himself. He was just broken. He was tortured because he left the Island. He had Hurley telling him that he had to go back. Mostly, he was haunted by a man named John Locke. Not in actuality of course but rather the ideology that John Locke represented; the unwavering belief in Locke that they had all been brought to the Island for the reason and that the Island was Jack's destiny. The death of Locke sent Jack over the edge. He wanted to die but then he was resolved to return to the Island. In "Because You Left," Ben tells Jack to pack up all of his things because Jack will never return to Los Angeles. Jack says "good." Slowly, Jack's purpose actualized. It became clear to him that he had to do what he did in "The End." He had to put an end to the cycle of misery that began when Mother killed Jacob and his brother's biological mother. In season five, Jack did not have the epiphany he needed. I'll argue his epiphany occured after his outburst in the lightouse when he sat on a cliff and stared out at the ocean, thinking about what he has to do. In season five, Jack wanted to erase his past. He wanted to wipe it all clean: the misery and the pain and the suffering. He didn't want to deal with his past and all of the mistakes. But it wouldn't be that easy because Jughead never worked. He couldn't wipe it all clean and it took Jughead and the aftermath, Juliet's death and all to truly change Jack. He was quiet and reflective throughout the begining of season six. He apologized to Sawyer for Juliet. He chose his actions carefully. He didn't give Sayid the poison pill just because some man he had just met told him to do it. He restored purpose to Richard Alpert's life in the Black Rock as Richard awaited the end of his life. He was a man who acknowledged that he ruined everything else in his life. He could admit his mistakes. Once he had thought carefully, he figured out what needed to be done. He embraced his candidacy. He volunteered to assume the role of protector of the Island. He confronted the Man in Black with no fear. He stood up to the Man in Black and hated him for disrespecting the likeness of John Locke, a man who was right all along and a man Jack only wanted to thank. The story of Jack was like the thread Jacob was working on in "The Incident." It takes a very long time. It took a very long time for Jack to be where he was in "The End."

But it took a long time for him to figure out who he was. Remember the scene in "Something Nice Back Home" when Jack read that passage from Alice in Wonderland to Aaron? I mentioned it earlier this season. It's about the puzzle of identity. Who are we? Ah, that's the great puzzle. That scene affected me so much that I built an entire episode of my podcast on that idea. Alice felt different in the morning and wondered had she been changed in the night and if she had then who indeed was she. The Sideways reflected this passage. Who are these characters? The Sideways cemented these character's identities rather than re-define them. The Sideways cemented everyones relationships and their connection with one another. It was about Jack letting go finally and moving on after he realized he had died. It was about all of the characters never dying alone. Live together or die alone. None of them could die alone. They had to be together. That philosophy has been the heart of the series. Christian said everyone created this place together so it's only natural that they leave this place together.

Jack's purpose was to free the Island from itself, if that makes any sense. It does to me. As I've written, Jack needed to end the cycle created by that dysfunctional family. He succeeded Jacob to defeat the Man in Black. After he had kill Smokey, he told Kate, Ben, Hurley and Sawyer that he needed to restore the light of the Island. To kill Smokey, he needed the light to be put out by Desmond. Desmond did his job and survived because electromagnetism has no effect on him except for a nosebleed. The Smokeness died and NotLocke became corporeal again. Jack and MIB had an epic fight on the cliffs near the cave as the Island slowly destroyed itself. MIB wanted to sail away while the Island went under the sea but eventually Jack killed him with the help of Kate. But MIB stabbed Jack and it was a deep wound. Meanwhile, Ben had been communicating with Miles, Richard and Frank. Instead of blowing up the plane, Frank wanted to fly it off the Island. Sawyer and Kate needed to get to Hydra Island to be on the plane. Hurley wanted to stay with Jack and Ben said that he was going to go down with the Island. And Jack needed to restore the light. This led to what is already one of my favorite scenes in the series. Kate wanted Jack to promise her that she would see him again. Jack was silent. He couldn't. He knew that restoring the light would kill him and so they kissed. Kate cried. Jack cried. Kate told him that she loved him and Jack said, "I love you." Matthew Fox's delivery was perfect. It brings tears to my eyes as I write. Sawyer and Kate went on their way to Hydra Island. Jack's final words to Kate were about his sister. He wanted Kate to convince Claire to go with her because of Aaaron. She said she would.

Jack continued his journey with Hurley and Ben. They reached the cave. Hurley began to panic because Jack was going to die and then Jack told him, "it needs to be you, Hugo." Hurley teared up. After "Everybody Loves Hugo," myself and many LOST fans speculated that Hurley was going to replace Jacob. In fact, that speculation has existed since season five. Possibly season four. Ben summed up why Hurley was right for the job. After they had pulled Desmond out of the cave and to safety, Ben comforted Hurley after Hurley had a good cry following the restoration of light and what Hurley believed to be Jack's death down there. Hurley had no idea where to begin. Ben told him to start with Desmond by helping him return to his wife and his son. Hurley didn't know if people could leave the Island. Ben said that THAT was how Jacob ran things. What Hurley does, Ben told Hurley, is take care of people. And it's so true. Hurley has always taken care of everyone. Hurley asked Ben if he would be his number two because of all his experience. Ben was taken aback, speechless and accepted.

Jack did restore the light, the source and he sat there, with a knife wound, engulfed by the light smiling and crying. Soon we saw Jack awake in on some rocks. It seemed that he would not die but no, he was about to die. This is where the sideways and the Island finally became one.

The episode opened with Christian's coffin arriving at LAX. We got a sweeping montage with an intense Giacchino score. All along, we tracked the coffin until it arrived in the church parking lot. Desmond, who understood everything, signed for it. The delivery man asked him if he was a priest or something. Desmond responded "or something." He returned to the car where Kate sat, confused about what was going on. She asked Desmond why she was there in the parking lot. Desmond told her "I can't tell you why you're here." Kate was confused because Desmond had brought her here. He told her his name and explained that he was a friend but he still couldn't tell her why she was here. He also wanted to leave but where did he want to go. Well, Christian explained that pretty well. The journey for the Losties we've grown to love over these six season in the sideways was all about remembering. Sun and Jin remembered and became aware after the ultra-sound performed by Juliet. Juliet and Sawyer became aware and remembered after meeting in the hospital vending machine room. Claire and Charlie became aware after the birth of Aaron. Kate remembered and became aware after delivering Aaron just as she delivered him in "Do No Harm." Sayid remembered and became aware when he rescused Shannon from a dude beating up Boone. She, too, remembered and became aware. Locke remembered and became aware after Jack had fixed him. He flashed Jack the best damn John Locke smile I've ever seen and he told Jack that he doesn't have a son and that he wished Jack would go with him. But Jack wasn't ready yet. After this awareness, this awakening, they all knew where they had to go. They had to go to a church. Eloise Hawking touched me when she asked Desmond whether or not her son would be going with them. Desmond said "no. not with me." And he grabbed her hand in a gesture of comfort. These two souls who have such impact on one another's lives. Daniel and Charlotte even shared their own moment though they were not going with those in the Church.

Before the Church, the concert was a brief meeting point for the Losties. After the concert, Jack had finally arrived to be with his son but his son was nowhere to be found. Kate was there, looking beautiful in her black dress. She finally remembered everything at this point. She approached Jack to let him know that the concert was over. Jack recognized her. Kate said it's because she stole his pen on the airplane but Kate made it clear that they both know each other. Just as he did in the hospital with Locke, he had flashes of his Island memories. And she would tell Jack that she missed him so much as if it had been years since they saw each other. In fact, it had been years. She hadn't seen him since that day on the cliff. But Jack wasn't quite there yet. Kate asked Jack to go with her to the church. Jack did. They arrived in his jeep. She told him to go around back and that she would meet him in there.

Before we saw Jack enter the room where his father's coffin was, we saw Ben sit outside on a bench. He, too, remembered and was aware. Locke arrived and wheeled himself to the church. He and Locke were finally going to have a scene I've been waiting for since 507 (that's episode lingo). Ben apologized to John for murdering him and he explained that he was selfish and jealous of John. Locke wondered why. Ben explained that Locke was special and Ben wasn't. Locke forgave him as I imagined he would. It was a beautifully acted moment. Ben told Locke to stand up because he didn't that wheel chair. Locke did. He asked would he see Ben in the church. Ben told him that he needed a little more time outside. Hurley soon came out and wondered would Ben be joining them and Ben said no. Hurley thanked him for being an awesome number two. Ben told Hurley that he was an excellent number one.

And then Jack entered the room where his father's coffin was. Once he touched the coffin, he remembered but he was not yet aware. He opened his father's coffin. It was empty. When Jack turned around, there his father stood. And this is when Jack remembered and became aware that he died some time ago on the Island. His father told him that he, too, was dead and then Jack broke down in his father's arms. It was a scene six seasons in the making, ever since Jack found his father's coffin empty in "White Rabbit." Jack told his father that he loved him. He wondered why he was here. Christian said that there is no here and now, that this place was created he and his friends to find and remember one another. But why Jack asked. To let go explained Christian and to move on. The years Jack spent on the Island were the most important part of not only his life but everyone else he knew and their lives. They could only leave together. Jack soon emerged from the room with his father and he saw all of his old friends. He shook Sawyer's hand. He had a huge hug with Hurley. He said hello to everybody: Desmond, Penny, Claire, Charlie, Aaron, Libby, Sayid, Shannon, Boone and Locke. Oh, and of course his Kate. After they had all reunited, they sat in their pews as Christian opened the main doors of the church and wonderful light poured in and then all went white.

We soon saw Jack lie down, near death from his wound and from restoring the light, at the same spot he awoke three years earlier. His eyes were wide with anticipation, or at least it seemed like it. Out of the jungle came Vincent, just like in the "Pilot." Instead of running past him, he laid down next to Jack. Jack reached out his hand to touch Vincent and then looked up and saw his friends leave on the Ajira plane. His right eye closed.

The End.

Kate, Claire, Sawyer, Miles, Richard and Frank did leave the Island on the Ajira plane. Frank fixed what he needed to fix with the help of Miles and Richard. Kate and Sawyer arrived on Hydra Island. Kate convinced Claire that she could leave the Island and raise her son. Claire was afraid because of what she became on the Island. But Kate asked Claire to let her help with Aaron and that eventually Claire will remember how to be a mother. The sentiment "let me help you" was said by various characters throughout this episode and it's a very significant. DL & CC talked about these characters helping one another at the Times Talk. It's just part of the idea of togetherness. All of these characters were lost in their own way and needed each other during their redemption journey. It's about never doing it alone. There were no scenes from Ajira landing on the runway. No reunion between Claire, her son and her mother. Each one of them would eventually die. Some sooner than the others but everyone dies. One can imagine that they all stay connected until they died and then found each other again. I imagine Kate and Claire remained an integral part of each other's lives. As the plane took off, Kate and Claire clutched hands and held each other's tightly. Sawyer looked at the Island one last time and a tear rolled down his cheek. He was finally free. So was Claire. And I imagine all of them had nice lives before they died. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. We didn't need to see their stories unfold off of the Island either.

I have so much more to write about the finale so now this entry transitions into the the "sort of bullet points" section. Feel free to get up, stretch, grab a beverage, maybe a little snack because I'm just getting started. Are you all ready now? Good. Let's go:

--The second to last image of the show was overwhelmingly emotional because of Vincent. He laid with Jack until Jack passed away. My own dog passed away about a month ago and I was with him until the end of his life so that scene really just hit home. I noticed that Vincent looked so much older which makes sense if Madison still portrayed Vincent.

--I've never felt as emotional as I during the finale during a television show. "The End" is a intense emotional experience. Damon and Carlton said that, when crafting the finale, they asked themselves what they as fans would want to see in the finale. More so, DL & CC knew that fans would be sitting in their homes aware that this episode was end of the series and would already be emotional. They wanted the emotion on the screen to be as intense as the emotions the viewers felt about losing this show. I felt that they achieved their goal. We witnessed many reunions because the sideways was all about these characters remembering one another and being together in the end.

--The Sun and Jin scene was intense in the hospital. My mother predicted the ultra-sound would awaken the memories of Sun and Jin. It did. Juliet, my favorite fictional fertility docter ever, came into the room and was the same sweet Juliet we said goodbye to in "LA X." She had not yet remembered of course but sweetness is just part of her makeup. The scene mirrored the one in "D.O.C" when Juliet does the ultra-sound and she sees her child for the first time and finds out that the baby is Jin's. Suddenly, Sun remembered everything that she and Jin had experienced on the Island, remembered their entire lives together. She began crying and soon Jin remembered as well. Juliet told them that the baby was healthy. Sun told Juliet that the baby is a girl. Jin told Juliet that her name is Ji Yeon. Juliet told them that it's a lovely name. Sun and Jin no longer were burdened by her father, no longer burdened by running because it had all ended long ago on that Island and it took them some time after dying in the submarine to realize that they had been dead. Sawyer arrived in their hospital room because Sayid had escaped. He didn't want him to come looking for Sun and Jin. But it didn't matter. Jin smiled at Sawyer, so happy to see his old friend. He and his wife made it clear that they didn't need to be watched or looked out for. They told Sawyer that they would see him there, at the church. Sawyer was befuddled but that is for a different paragraph. I would like to thank Daniel Dae Kim and Yunjin Kim for their six years of work on LOST. The development of Jin and the evolution of their marriage is a highlight of the series for me. The two actors played their characters stories with a beautiful pathos and ethos and I think the Sun/Jin story is one of the best love stories ever written in a television show. I was completely happy with this final page in their story.

--Sawyer went to find himself some grub. He was unlucky with the vending machine. The apollo bar did not come out after his dollar. Juliet walked into the room and joked with him. Sawyer made it clear that he's a cop but Juliet didn't really accuse of him of trying to steal an apollo bar. Juliet told him how to get the candy bar: turn off the machine and then turn it back on. He turned it off. The candy bar fell. She reached in, grabbed it, handed it to Sawyer and then they remembered and became aware. The memories poured in from their time in Dharma times. Her death and his resolve to not let her die. Sawyer, full of memories and emotion, quickly asked her for coffee and she said yes but he only had a dollar because the machine took his other. She said that they could go dutch, and the "LA X" death scene finally revealed itself. The sideways represented Sawyer as he truly was. DL & CC explained that he's the same archetype. It makes sense he'd be James "LaFleur" Ford in the end because he had long ago ceased being Sawyer. I won't even argue that he ceased being Sawyer after killing Cooper because I don't really believe that. I believed he ceased being Sawyer because of everyone he knew. I think Josh Holloway was terrific the entire series. He brought a lot of depth to a character who initially appeared as if he'd be a true bastard for awhile but Sawyer became so much more. Season five changed his identity, his own self worth and the sideways finally cemented James Ford's identity. I would not have it any other way.

--I was so happy to see Juliet again. Elizabeth Mitchell portrayed her with the same sweetness I've grown to love about Juliet. I teared up a lot during this episode and even experienced a trembling lip or two but any scene with Juliet brought tears to my eyes. We found that she was the mother of Jack's child and that they were married once upon a time. But what does that mean in the sideways? Well, here's my own interpretation of that. She and Jack were inseparable for a lot of her time. Jack protected her when no one else would because she was an Other. Nobody trusted her. She took care of him while he was locked up in the Hydra station and he took care of her. They were going to leave the Island together after Ben's surgery. They worked together as doctors. She even loved him at one point and kissed him in "The Other Woman." I think that sideways story was a nod to that time in both characters lives. They needed one another for awhile. Jack was hurt by Kate. Juliet was just sad because Ben wouldn't let her leave the Island. As for their son, David, there's a number of things to think about. Juliet experienced so many mothers dying young on the Island along with their children and Jack had immense father issues to overcome. In "Lighthouse," we saw that his son was a way for Jack to work through the issues he had with his father. David existed to help both she and Jack to let go and move on. It was part of the process.

--Hurley and Sayid had one last adventure with one another. Sayid had no idea what was going on. Hurley made the first stop at Charlie's hotel room to pick him up for the concert. Charlie was still a mess and had no interest playing the show so Hurley shot Charlie with the tranquilizer gun. Hurley walked out to his car as Sayid looked befuddled by what Hurley was doing. It was very funny. Naveen played it perfectly. Before Hurley entered Charlie's room, he tried awaken Sayid by showing him the tranquilizer gun. They had had this experience before as they battled with Widmore's men in "Because You Left" and "The Lie." But it didn't work. Sayid was confused. Hurley took this moment to tell Sayid that he's a good person that, maybe because people have been telling him all of his life that he is bad he started to believe that, but he's good. And Hurley would know of all people. He was unconditional love personified and he loved all of his friends very much and he saw them as he truly was. After all, no one can become the next Jacob without that quality that made Hurley stand out. His ability to take care of people and make them feel safe and loved. He had a backup plan for Sayid. They sat outside of a bar and a fight ensued between Boone and a random dude. Shannon soon emerged and she got hit which is when Sayid sprung into action. And soon they both remembered and became aware of why they were here and they kissed. I've never written about the Shannon and Sayid relationship too much in Jacob's Foot.Her death had a big impact on Sayid so it was nice for them to have their time together in the end. Boone walked over to the car and joked with Hurley about taking his time while Boone got beat. Boone had remembered and become aware at some point but he and Hurley were going to give Sayid and Shannon some time together. The death of Boone remains one of those seminal moments in the show. He was the first. I thought it was great seeing both he and Maggie Grace one last time. And I can't say enough good things about Naveen Andrews. Sayid is the man. And I've got to deliver some words about Jorge Garcia. Jorge's acting is underrated in my opinion. He was so good in this episode and perhaps the real life end played a part in the emotions he displayed in his scenes. Jorge might very well be the MVP of the series and that is no disrespect to Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn.

--At the concert, David and Claire arrived at table 23 where Desmond and Kate sat. Juliet had to return to the hospital. Claire and Kate experienced a 'holy moly' moment when they saw each other again. Meanwhile, Faraday and Driveshaft began playing. Liam stepped on stage with his brother Charlie. Charlie looked disinterested and then he saw Claire. He was enraptured all over again. Soon she felt a kick and had to leave. Kate left to be with her. Before we knew it, they were backstage where Charlie was and the baby was coming. Kate remembered and became aware as she helped Claire give birth to her adopted son. The adopted son she spent three years of her life raising and probably many more years of her life with Claire, watching Aaron grow and live. Aaron came out crying and she handed the baby to Claire. Kate stood up and looked Charlie right in the eye when he returned with the water and blankets. She said, "thank you." Charlie said he only got blankets and water. But we all knew the significance of Kate's thank you. She thanked him for giving his life so that they had a chance to leave the Island. And soon, Charlie remembered and became aware. Claire, too, remembered everything and became aware. Words cannot express the overwhelming feeling of emotion I experienced when she held Aaron in her arms, cried and said simply with the happiest tone in her voic "it's Aaron." Oh, Claire. My lip was trembling. My eyes were extremely wet. Finally, she and Charlie remembered their life together and they had the best damn kiss of their lives after that. After the kiss, Charlie looked at Aaron and Claire with absolute love in his eyes. They were together again. They finally got their happy ending together. Their relationship always represented unconditional love, at least Charlie did. They were as close to a nuclear family as we would get on LOST. He wasn't Aaron's father biologically but he was Aaron's father. He died for them. It's that simple. Desmond told Charlie that he had a flash of Claire and Aaron leaving the Island and Charlie wanted that to happen so he died for them. They remembered it all. Claire remembered that he died for her and Aaron and Charlie remembered that he died. It was an absolutely beautiful moment, a scene I'll never forget and a scene DL & CC absolutely earned. Dom Monoghan was excellent and truly superb after his memory and his awareness returned. That was the Charlie Pace we all remember and love. And Emilie de Ravin was just out of this world awesome during that scene.

--Jack had to miss the concert because he was performing surgery on John Locke so that Locke could walk again. Before Locke entered the surgery room, Jack told him that he'd see him on the other side. He really would. Following the surgery, Locke awoke quickly and moved his toes. Jack looked like how he did when Sarah began wiggling her toes in "Man of Science, Man of Faith" We received a mirror shot of Locke waking up from the plane crash and wiggling his toes because he had regained the ability to walk and Locke suddenly remembered and became aware. He tried to tell Jack what he had just saw. Jack saw a flash but got freaked out. The two began to argue like old times and then Jack left. I've already talked about the final scene between Locke and Ben but I'd like to say more. Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn create magic together. John Locke was an amazing character and the levels and depths that Michael Emerson could go to as Ben are phenomenal. Locke's poignant line "Goodbye, Ben" really moved me because of what they just shared: remorse and forgiveness and we saw, on the Island, Ben's remorse for killing Locke when he buried him. He spoke with sincerity and from his heart when he commended John for being a man of faith and better man than he will ever be. I wrote in "the Substitute" that I wanted peace for John Locke. Well, peace came to John Locke. And I think Ben will eventually find peace in this sideways after he's dealt with all that he had done in his life but I think he's earned the forgiveness with everyone who was so important in his life or at least a place where he can be forever with his daughter, Alex. There's no finer ending for those two characters than the closure they both received because of another. No one is ever alone. Holy moly I'm going to miss this show.

--Desmond had remembered and became aware after he met Penny. His mission, along with Hurley, was to lead everyone to this same moment so that they could leave together because no one dies alone. He couldn't tell anyone why he was here but he knew that they all had to leave, to let go and move on. On the Island, he told Jack, as they walked to the cave of light, that what they were about to do did not matter. Desmond believed that once he shut off the light, he would disappear. In other words, that he would die. He understood exactly what the sideways were but he just didn't know he would live the rest of his life with his wife and son before returning to that place to leave. He told Jack that Jack was in this place too but Jack assured him that what they were doing mattered. Desmond did not die when he shut off the light. He eventually was pulled up on the rope by Hurley and Ben. Hurley believed it was Jack because the light had been restored. Desmond was also rescused from the well by Rose and Bernard. He made a deal with Smokey to do whatever he wanted. He didn't want Rose or Bernard killed. MIB didn't truly understand Desmond's specialness and he made a rare miscalculation. I think Desmond wasn't afraid at the well in "The Last Candidate" because he knew. But anywho, in the sideways, Ms. Hawking asked Desmond at the concert whether or not he forgot what he had told her. He didn't. He just chose to ignore her. It was a really moving moment when Eloise inqured about whether her son would be moving on and leaving with everyone else. Desmond grabbed her hand and said 'no not with me' (i know i'm repeating myself) which is just beautiful because Daniel will leave with his mother and hopefully Charlotte and his father when they are ready. Not everyone was ready. Finnoula Flanagan was just wonderful in her only scene and I always enjoyed the relationship between she and Desmond. It was simply a very nice moment. Henry Ian Cusick was fantastic as well.

Also, I'd be a true so and so if I forgot to mention this. The assumption by all was that Desmond had died after putting out the light. Smokey had died but Jack needed to restore the light. Yes, I know I've been over this. Anywho, Jack returned and found Desmond lying on the ground, alive. Desmond was groggy and out of sorts but he soon recognized what Jack was planning to do after Desmond said he had to put the stone back into the hole to restore the light. Jack was having none of it. He brought Desmond to the wall and tied the rope around Desmond's waist. As he was about to leave, Jack said to Desmond: "I'll see you in another life, brother." It was awesome. Earlier, when Desmond told Jack all about this other place, he told Jack that they flew on Oceanic 815 together. I do wonder if Jack was becoming aware of where he was going as he neared the end of his life on the Island. Meaning existed when he repeated Desmond's famous words to him. The two of them met in a stadium after Jack performed surgery on Sarah. Jack sprained his ankle and Desmond ran over to help him. They talked about miracles. Jack thought he had let down Sarah. He thought she would awake with no feeling in her legs and would still be unable to walk. Desmond asked him to consider the idea that he did fix her. Jack said no, that it's impossible. But Desmond believed. And Jack needed this belief but he didn't gain it until much latter. But I think Jack had an inkling, something inside of him telling him that he would see everyone very soon.

And one more note about Desmond. The end of season two involved the destruction of the Hatch. There was a failsafe he could turn after the computer had been destroyed and a moment of overwhelming enlightenment happened. He remembered the night that he wanted to kill himself. He had accidentally killed Kelvin but that was the night Locke had accidentally led Boone to his death all because he believed the Hatch was what they were supposed to. Locke pounded on the hatch and yelled that he had done everything the Island had ever asked him to do and wanted to know the Island just did what it did to him. Desmond heard this pounding on his roof, ran and turned on the light. The light restored John's faith while Desmond realized that he was not alone and he cried and he laughed with joy. That same idea holds for the end of Jack's life and his farewell to Desmond. I had wondered if that Alice passage related to a possible post-Jughead world because Jack seemed to be remember his appendix but those scars were from his death. His knife wound and his neck wound.

--I'm glad that Jack and Sawyer finally made amends and particularly enjoyed how they greeted one another in the Church. I think I devoted enough words to Jack too. But I can devote a few more. MIB took the wind out of my sails. As he and Jack lowered Desmond into the cave, I immediately thought of the hatch and Jack/Locke. Jack then reminded Smokey that he was not John Locke which set the stage for the epic fight on the cliffs.

--Jeff Jensen's cover story on LOST opened with describing a scene that would take place in the last ten minutes of the show but I always interpreted that as the last night of shooting. Maybe it was. But Jorge Garcia, on his podcast Geronimo Jack's Beard, talked about the last night of shooting being wet and hard and twenty hours. It must've been the cliff fight. I've listened to LOST commentaries and for some reason the name of the stunt coordinator escapes me but he staged an epic fight between Jack and NotLocke. I bet we'll see a making of feature on the DVD. It was epic. Jack Bender and LOST crew, bravo. I kept awaiting the "twist" as one might call it in the back of my mind. I knew that when the sideways was reveleaed it would be something I didn't see coming. I did not see this coming. In fact, during this entire season, I followed what Damon and Carlton said. Don't think about it too much. Be patient and, eventually, it will reveal itself. They earned my trust and I'm quite happy with how the story concluded. I thought it was beautiful. But I must get back to the episode.

--Rose and Bernard AND VINCENT! They continued to live in their homemade retirement home. Bernard went to check the fish traps so they could feed Desmond. Rose told Desmond to leave as soon as he is better because she and Bernard don't want to be involved in any of their drama. I've always loved Rose and Bernard. Bernard is even part of the biggest surprise on LOST for my friend STEVE: the reveal that Bernard was white. I can't quite disagree. Who expected a white man to approach Michael, Sawyer and Jin and reveal himself to be Rose's husband? And their episode "S.O.S" is a beautiful 43 minutes of story. L. Scott Caldwell and Sam Anderson were so tender together. My thanks to both of those terrific actors.

--How about Frank J. Lapidus being alive? I was sure he was dead. Glad he wasn't because he got my jagirl off of the Island. Not only that but he basically fixed an entire airplane by himself with assistance from Richard and Miles. Best part: he slowed the plane down for the late arrivals Sawyer, Kate and Claire. Jeff Fahey was awesome in this role. He delivered the funniest lines. He just went with the flow and then finally was able to fly off the Island.

--I don't think an infection really existed. I don't think anything was wrong besides the fact she was alone on the Island for three years, had no idea what happened to her son and was manipulated by MIB to do his bidding. She was the old Claire on that Ajira plane. She emerged when she grabbed Kate's hand. I wrote pretty much what I've wanted to about Kate and Claire's story in the past but I have one more thing to add: it's been one of my favorite storylines. I felt extremely attached to their story for some reason. The final image of them alive was an image I wanted to see since Kate explained to Ms. Littleton why she was going back to the Island. Huge fan of Kate being the one to convince Claire to leave the Island with them. Claire worried because Aaron wouldn't know her and the Island had made her crazy. She said she forgot how to be a mother. Kate would help her remember. But I've covered that already. I'm a fan of Emilie de Ravin's for life because of LOST. I thought this was a particularly good Claire season. I missed her a lot during season five. Season one will always be my favorite Claire season. Emilie, you are awesome and after seeing the Jimmy Kimmel special I must say this: she has amazing legs.

--Evangelline Lilly knows how to tug at my heart strings. She was amazing during this episode. The Kate/Jack goodbye. In fact, this is as good a place as any to write about the "choice" as it's been called by various critics. The triangle had been over since Sawyer found Juliet. It became about Kate and Jack finding their way together. They had extremely tender moments together this season. I think of the scene when Kate was going to leave The Temple in "What Kate Does" and how she and Jack were together. After all, these two were going to be married. They met when Jack asked her to stitch him up. They had some extremely rough times but I think Jack loved her all along. Josh Holloway said he thinks Sawyer and Kate was something that wasn't built for a lasting relationship. The seeds were there for Jack and Kate, you know once Jack healed himself and became whole. It took returning to the Island. I never rooted for a particular relationship to succeed in LOST. Well, Claire and Charlie. But I really did like Jack and Kate together. I didn't like Sawyer with Kate as much as I liked him with Juliet. But their goodbye scene, Jack and Kate's, combined with their reunion in the sideways was extremely powerful. If you just imagine Kate living a long life and then dying and after all that time finding the love of her life and finally in a place where she can be with him forever, it's just a powerful thing. The same with all these characters. It had been a long time since they were all together and the fact that they had died and were moving on together is just beautiful. I think Matthew Fox and Evangelline Lilly were outstanding tonight but they've both been consistently wonderful for the entire series. When Kimmel introduced Matthew last night, his eyes were red and he admitted he had just watched the end and it means alot to him. I would've started a standing ovation for Matthew because he was simply outstanding last night.

--Finally, the church scene. The final setting of LOST. I wrote in the "What They Died For" entry that LOST is a deeply spiritual show. I'll reiterate: season one of LOST is extremely spiritual. Spirituality doesn't necessarily mean religious even though the show ended in a a particularly Christian way. LOST has taken different elements from religion and used them in their show. We had a particularly spiritual arc for Mr. Eko in which he literally assumed his brother's role as a priest though he wasn't an ordained priest but he became a man of God. Spirituality is about this sense and belief in something larger than this world, it's about faith but not specificially religion. Damon and Carlton had no problems embracing the time travel and sci-fi roots of season five. Well, they also had no problems telling people that season six is a deeply spiritual season. It was about coming together because spirituality is a lot about community and the people around you. People light each other up. A fan asked a question during Times Talk about Desmond telling Jack that he needs to 'lift it up' meaning his ankle but all of these characters were lifting each other up. They needed each other to help them on their own individual redemption paths. Damon said that awareness began to creep in as well as memory whenever a character would offer their help to another character. It's about helping. In fact, here's a good place to highlight the only question I've ever had answered by DL & CC. The question isn't as important as the answer they gave. The gist of my question: why only writing teams for nearly five seasons? It was random but I had the chance, through my queston, for them to read of my gratitude towards the show. I wasn't sure it'd be answered. I just hoped that they saw my thank you for the six seasons and that they knew I had so much escaping into this world on a weekly basis. Well, they did answer. It's the final question in the Q&A and can be read on Their answer for why only writing teams for nearly five seasons: it ties into the basic theme of the one does it alone. I get it, readers. It's like what Jorge responded with when DL & CC asked him why he didn't go to them for additional info about the end: "I think I got it." I get it, too. Jack, in "White Rabbit," says "if we don't live together, we're going to die alone.I've watched it for the characters. They've been the most important part of the series. I loved the mysteries and the mythology, too, but if I didn't get answers I wouldn't have minded. I wanted character resolution and closure though. That was the absolute most important aspect of the show to me. The church was the culmination of those words that Jack spoke so long ago. I was overwhelmed by the second to last scene in the show with Jack hugging and saying hello to all of his friends while Giachinno score played. It was a score that combined all of the major musical themes of LOST. We saw Libby, Rose and Bernard, Hurley, Boone, Shannon, Sun and Jin, Charlie and Claire and Aaron, John Locke, Sayid and the words of Jack's father who playing in my head because this sudden clarity had overcome me as I watched the show. I kept waiting for the moment through the finale when the audience would become the character who needed to become aware of what exactly these Sideways were. Meaning crept in slowly when Jack realized he had died on the Island and he hugged his father. His father said, "I love you son." And then it came, my awakening and my awareness, in these words: "This is a place that you’ve all made together so that you could find one another. The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people. That’s why all of you are here. Nobody dies alone, Jack. You needed all of them, and they needed you." And there it was. In five sentences, the story of LOST had come full circle and to a complete and natural resolution for me. It was a character study about these people and people in general and about how they exist and act in this world and it wasn't afraid to ask a lot important questions about the nature of humanity, life, death, love, redemption, etc.

I think it's clear that I loved the finale. It was everything I wanted from this show. I don't regret a single second that I spent watching this show or freaking out after a cliffhanger or arguments I've had about the show. I don't regret a single second I spent writing these entries about LOST or the articles I wrote for The Quad or the extra time I spent while laying out a section to include a picture of LOST and plug for Jacob's Foot. I don't regret a moment I spent listening to the LOST official audio podcast or reading the interviews I read. I don't regret the time I spent on or TWoP's message board, reading and reacting to what other people have thought. I don't regret all the times I re-watched episodes nor every single week I spent writing about this show in between seasons five and six. I'm so glad that I didn't stop watching because me and season two of the show had been on rocky terms. I still remember the day I saw "Flashes Before your Eyes" and realized that my show had returned. I don't regret listening to the commentaries nor watching special features about the making of the show. It was the greatest television experience of my life. That may sound silly but fiction plays a huge role in everyone's life. We crave good stories and we hold onto good storytelling for life. I'll never forget these characters and these stories nor the writers who brought me and all of us fans this world into our homes. One of the last scenes in Woody Allen's movie 'Deconstructing Harry' comes to my mind as I write this. In his movie, the character Woody portrays is a fiction writer and he has a terrible time functioning in life. He's on his way to be honored but he continues to screw things up with those he once shared special moments with as well as his own family. Throughout the movie, the stories come alive. As the movie progresses, Woody himself becomes all of these character and the distortion is no longer there. A piece of him existed in all of these characters so by the end he enters the stories. Soon, he sees all of the characters he created and they have assembled to honor him and they love him because he created them. And then Woody delivers these lines that I feel conveys the same feelings I have for these fictional characters created by Damon Lindelof, JJ Abrams, Carlton Cuse and the rest of the writing staff: "I love all of you, really. You've given me some of the happiest moments in my life. And you've even saved my life at times." It might seem ridiculous for someone to feel this way about a show. If so, then I am a ridiculous man because this show has rocked my world. I had so much fun.

Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse wrote "The End." Damon's been there since day 1 when he and JJ Abrams frantically prepared the treatment. Carlton arrived in early season one and together they truly created the world we watched for six seasons. I can only imagine how these two felt as they said goodbye to the show, the cast and the crew. They knocked it out of the park and it's fitting that Damon Lindelof gets the first writing credit for "The End." Jack Bender, the visual mastermind of the show, directed this episode. He's directed some of the greatest episodes of LOST and is essentially responsible for the look of the show. I hope we get some behind the scenes stuff on the dvd for this episode. I imagine we will because I want to see how Bender approached some of most emotional scenes of the finale.

I've written this throughout. It got dusty last night in my house. I was quite emotional watching the episode. It began during that montage and one of the most unexpected 'dust' moments came when the credits ran for the final time because Sam Anderson's name was first and I realized that every former cast member with a starring credit who had returned was going to receive one final starring credit. Amazingingly, I haven't given credit where credit is due for the cast members who appeared in this finale. There's Jeremy Davies who portrayed Daniel Faraday. He even found his Charlotte in a moment I briefly mentioned many words ago. Daniel didn't recover from her death. He spent three years of his life trying to figure out how the Oceanic 815 crash could be avoided. But it couldn't. He just never considered this extraordinary sideways. Rebecca Mader portrayed Charlotte. Cynthia Watros portrayed Libby one last time. And then, finally: Madison the dog as Vincent.

I think I've reached the end. I know there's going to be so much more that I'll want to write about this finale and this show and I will somewhere and at some point. But this is the end of "Jacob's Foot." I probably was writing for only myself through this period of LOST blogging and that's okay. But I wasn't alone. I'd be stimulated by arguments on message boards and would mostly write about my frustrations with the fans. But Doc Jensen even brought Jacob's Foot into this world. Doc is a man whose work about LOST I really respect and admire. He responded to some of my tweets and even retweeted a poem I sent that had alot of parallels with the sideways and, in fact, this TS Eliot poem is worth looking at considering the ultimate resolution of the show. But you don't need to really. The show speaks for itself. Thank you to all who have read this at some point. I hope my intense love for the show wasn't annoying but I'm sure it was. Anywho, before Jacob's Foot unties its shoe for the last time, there's two important things left to do and I have one more paragraph for the show.

I just wanted to share something Doc wrote at the beginning of his part one recap of the finale and one of the points of the finale: the show wanted to rediscover and reinvent spirituality for a new generation that falls easily to dubious ideas and has a hard time believing in anything. I just think that's a wonderful idea and wanted to share. My final paragraph regards us fans, the ones who have followed this show and life after LOST. I felt all sorts of things last night as I wrote, watched Kimmel and realized that I have no show to watch on Tuesday night. This morning, I read the final LOST related tweet of Damon Lindelof's. It's simple but it provided even more clarity. I think he wrote it for himself and for the fans. What he wrote invoked the three themes we saw at the very end of LOST:

Remember. Let Go. Move on.

TO THE RANKINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've been writing for nearly 8 hours straight. I went to sleep at 3:30AM and woke up around 9 and immediately began writing again. I wrote for four hours after the finale end and then around eight by the time this baby is actually posted. During this, me and STEVE spoke on AIM to rank for the final two times. But I'll get to the all-time rankings in a bit because after all we had to finish our season six rankings. Since Widmore died last episode and Jacob's ashes burned away we removed them from the rankings so we ranked only fifteen and, in rankings finale tradition, we commented on each character. There's some movement in the rankings. Claire did not make it back to the top 5. It would've been forced on my part. I love her so though. Hurley jumped to number 2. MIB fell on STEVE's list and other some other characters moved but, you know, the rankings are fun to read with the commentary so do enjoy the final edition of the LOST season rankings.


RANKED: 5/24/2010


1. Jack-what a way to end his story.

2. Hurley-unconditional love personified

3. Desmond-i'll see you in another life, brother.

4. Kate-she was so sweet this episode.

5. Ben-in the words of Locke, "goodbye, Ben."

6. Claire-my girl.

7. Jin-he spent more time at no. 7 than any other character. it has to be this way.

8. Locke-that smile he flashed Jack was EFFIN AWESOME.

9. Sawyer-james ford.

10. Sayid-wish we could've avoided zombie Sayid.

11. Miles-awesome dude.

12. Richard-huge fan of richard but he's a victim of the numbers game.

13. Frank-he is a fantastic pilot.

14. Sun-always ranked her low so why stop now?

15. Man in Black-smokey was so awesome.


1. Jack-the overall MVP of the series

2. Desmond-please grow the hair and beard back

3. Kate-she looked great

4. Ben-the selfish bastard was finally not looking out for himself

5. Richard-finally seen his grey hair

6. Frank-Frank to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!

7. Jin-he spent more time at no. 7 than any other character. it has to be this way.

8. Claire-kinda weird how she looks better pregnant than normal.

9. Locke-the man of faith.

10. Sawyer-a real bust this season.

11. Miles-probably a millionaire off the island now.

12. Sayid-bust this season sadly.

13. Man in Black-a bust for me at the end, i expected him to be more but i'm okay with that.

14. Hurley-still should have jumped out of that helicopter.

15. Sun-sun is 15 for no reason



These rankings took in the totality of every season. It represents our favorite characters and our least favorite characters. I stunned STEVE with my 50th character but I really disliked her. STEVE also expected Claire to be number 2. But she isn't. I don't have much to add. The rankings speak for themselves. Enjoy.


50. Ana Lucia

49. Pickett

48. Keamy

47. Ethan

46. Naomi

45. Horace

44. Mikhail

43. Ilana

42. Aaron

41. Widmore

40. Dogen

39. Charlotte

38. Dr. Arzt

37. Christian

36. Tom aka Mr. Friendly

35. Libby

34. Dr. Chang

33. Karl

32. Shannon

31. Ms. Hawking

30. Nadia

29. The Man in Black

28. Jacob

27. Alex

26. Boone

25. Penny

24. Michael

23. Walt

22. Daniel Faraday-Widmore

21. Danielle Rousseau

20. Sun

19. Miles

18. Frank

17. Bernard

16. Rose

15. Vincent

14. Charlie

13. Mr. Eko

12. Richard

11. Juliet

10. Kate

9. Jin

8. Sawyer

7. Claire

6. Hurley

5. Ben

4. Sayid

3. Locke

2. Desmond

1. Jack


50. Aaron

49. Pickett

48. Ethan

47. Nadia

46. Horace

45. Dr. Arzt

44. Shannon

43. Naomi

42. Christian

41. Ilana

40. Widmore

39. Libby

38. Walt

37. Tom

36. Dr. Chang

35. Daniel Faraday-Widmore

34. Keamy

33. Penny

32. Karl

31. Ms. Hawking

30. Dogen

29. Mikhail

28. Bernard

27. Charlotte

26. Boone

25. Michael

24. Juliet

23. Ana Lucia

22. Hurley

21. Rose

20. Jacob

19. Sun

18. Man in Black

17. Vincent

16. Charlie

15. Alex

14 Danielle Rousseau

13. Mr. Eko

12. Miles

11. Jin

10. Frank

9. Richard

8. Claire

7. Kate

6. Sayid

5. Locke

4. Sawyer

3. Ben

2. Desmond


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jacob's Foot: What They Died For (Plus The List)

[caption id="attachment_1422" align="alignleft" width="800" caption="Jack stitches Kate up"][/caption]

I'm already getting teary eyed, or dusty as I like to describe it. It's really coming to an end. Only two and half hours remain. Tonight, in "What They Died For," the final pieces were set for the final hours of LOST. It's an episode that dealt with ideas of fate, purpose and destiny. Threads became tighter in the Sideways. The Island is a living memory, an actual place in the minds of our survivors. The seemingly final hours or day of the Island seems to be nigh. Jacob finally revealed himself to those he had brought to the Island. He told Hurley to bring his friends because The End is near. Let's begin there.

In Jacob's final hours, in the night as a fire crackled with the last of Jacob's ashes, as Jacob awaited to cease from existence and disappear into the world of death, he told Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer why he had brought them to the Island. Jacob was a lonely man. Sure he had all of those Others who followed his orders but he was a lonley man. He was flawed just like the survivors of Oceanic 815. He, too, human and fallible. He made a mistake when he sent his brother into the cave of light because his brother became a pillar of black smoke. This creation could not leave the Island and was trapped in its smokeness, for lack of a better description of the situation. One has thought (allright me since no one comments but still in messageboards this hasn't been discussed) that the Man in Black was trapped on the Island, seemingly trapped by something Jacob did. He couldn't left whenever he want when he had a body but the smoke changed everything. He told Sayid that he doesn't want to die. One wonders: what exactly constitutes freedom for the Man in Black? He assumed the form of John Locke but he is still Smokey. Death is the constant of this show at least in the Island timeline. There is no difference between NotLocke destroying the Island and him leaving the Island. We've learned that it only ends one way: death, nothingness. Kate wanted to know why they were chosen and brought to the Island and especially wanted to know what her friends have died for. Contextually, she referred only to Sun, Jin and Sayid but mostly all of their friends have died on the Island; perhaps, for thinkers sake, for the Island. Kate really wanted to know that her friends did not die for nothing. Nothing, nothingness has been a subtle theme this season but it was introduced in "The Substitute," an episode that presented a true nihilistic world perspective through NotLocke. All three options he presented to Sawyer all, in the end, required that nothing be done. Last week, the mother's final word was "nothing" after MIB killed her. Damon and Carlton have spoken about water as a key word for the finale. Perhaps they were joking. One never knows with them. Jacob's Foot submits another key word: nothing and then will gently JUMP cut to the Sideways. Water, Nothing and Sideways. Perhaps I'll have more to write on this after the finale.

Back to the scene of discussion, Jacob explained the candidacy to those present. He told them he needed someone to replace him as protector of the Source and he needs them to kill his brother. Even Jacob is unsure that The Smoke Monster can be killed. Jacob has represented choice. He told each person he visited in "The Incident" that they had a choice. Jacob told Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Hurley that he wanted them to choose among themselves who wanted to assume the role of protector because he wanted them to choose. Jack stood up and stepped forward. His voice broke when he told Jacob that the job is what he's supposed to do and that the job is why he thinks he needed, or was destined, to return. Jacob told him "it's time." And in the darkness of the Island, with his friends watching on, Jacob passed on his role to Jack. Jack asked him how long he'd be protecting it and Jacob said sincerely and with empathy and sympathy, "for as long as you can."

The opening scene of "What They Died For" was quiet and mournful. Jack stiched Kate up to prevent her wound from being infected while Sawyer looked out as the wreckage of the submarine washed up on the shore as "Credit Where Credit is Due" played, the iconic song that played as Jack observed the carnage and wreckage of Oceanic 815 in the "Pilot." The first shot was Jack's right eye opening, just like in the "Pilot." Afterwards, after she had been stitched up, Kate and Jack joined Sawyer and Hurley. Kate silently comforted Sawyer, silently telling him not to blame himself for the deaths in the submarine. She rested her head on his shoulder. Jack suggested they go get Desmond from the well. Along the way, Jack mentioned something about the rules to Sawyer. Sawyer openly blamed himself for Sun, Jin and Sayid's death because he theorized the rules prevented NotLocke from actually killing them and that is true to an extent. Jack only told Sawyer not to blame himself because NotLocke killed them. It wasn't quite the moment between the two in "Exodus Pt 1" when Sawyer told Jack about his father in the Sydney bar but I think Sawyer is better for what Jack said.

I felt strong "Dead Is Dead" vibes in the early part of this episode. Recall the presence of Alex in "Dead Is Dead." Ben went to the basement of The Temple to be judged by Smokey because he felt responsible for his daughter's death because he chose the Island. It's an episode that set up what Ben would eventually decided to do in The Foot. Smokey took the form of his daughter and threatened him with death if he did not follow everything John Locke told him. Of course, it was massive manipulation by Smokey. Ben, Miles and Richard reached New Otherton and as they passed through the yard Miles heard from Alex. Richard had buried her body after Ben had left the Island. What she said we do not know only that Alex triggered that devasting grief in Ben and the anger when he saw Widmore again. We also know that Miles chose to run in the jungle and be far far away from Smokey once Zoe radioed in that His Smokeness had returned from Hydra Island. As far as Ben has come in the latter part of season five and the entirety of season six, he has not been able to get past his daughter. It's unfair to think he would because no parent ever recovers from losing their child. With the word of NotLocke coming, Zoe quickly returned and she and Widmore hid in Ben's old house. Miles fled. Richard thought he could convince the Monster to leave with him and give the others a chance while Ben was going to wait for him. He expected death but Smokey needed him again. Smokey showed up and demolished Richard and then told Ben that he needed him to kill some people. First: Widmore. Widmore and Zoe had no chance especially Zoe. She made the mistake of speaking to him and her reward was her throat sliced. Widmore had to tell Smokey why he had returned. Apparently, what Widmore told Smokey, is that Desmond is a failsafe (yes yes Desmond and failsafe are forever linked). Ben quickly shot Widmore because Ben didn't feel he deserved to save his daughter. Ben then asked NotLocke about the more killing thing. Ben seems game. But Ben is also a smart smart dude.

In The Sideways, Ben came to the aid of Locke again when he saw Desmond; however, all he got was his Island memories, his awakening. Desmond told him he wanted to help Locke let go and Ben believed in the purity of the idea and he convinced Locke that something bigger than all of them was in play. Sure Jack told Locke to not mistake coincidence for fate but in this case it is fate. It's the total opposite of the scene between Eko and Locke in season two and why Eko told Locke to not mistake coincidence for fate. But destiny and fate are in play in the awesome Sideways. As he left school for the day, he ran into Alex. Alex was concerned about his arm and told him that he shouldn't drive and offered him a ride with she and her mother--Danielle Rousseau (more on her later). Rousseau asked Ben over for dinner as a way to give thanks for everything hes done for Alex. He accepted. After dinner, Ben and Rousseau shared a moment. They were her parents pretty much in the Island. In the Sideways, she looks at Ben as a father figure and admires him because she never had such a figure in her life. Ben choked up after Rousseau told him that. With all of the "Dead Is Dead" references and vibes, I thought Ben's death was imminent. But no. His story continues.

And the mission of Desmond continues. He turned himself in only to share a cell with Sayid and to be jail neighbors with Kate. His plan: to take them where they needed to be. Hurley met up with him after ANA-LUCIA (Ana Lu-Lu as I call her in my head) set them free for 125,000 dollars. Before they were free, Desmond made Kate and Sayid promise to do him a favor. They promised. Sayid was sent with Hurley (who has ALL of his memories now) and Kate was going with Desmond to the concert that was mentioned by David at the beginning of the episode. The concert where Dr. Chang, Charlotte, Faraday, David's mother, Miles and probably Sawyer will be. It's all coming together. I imagine Claire's been invited too.

And, for good measure, Locke told Jack that he's finally ready to get out of his chair.


--Oh my GOODNESS is Emilie de Ravin adorable. Holy Smoke Monster did she look as cute as ever in her only scene in the Sideways. Her happiness to be with Jack and his son was so awesome. CLAIRE! I do wonder where she is on the Island. I hope that she is with Desmond. Maybe she's asking him about that vision of his that never came true. I think she's cured her own infection and is back to being Claire bear. I hope she meets up with the gang soon and hopefully she doesn't kill Sawyer.

--We're going to see the boxes in the outrigger again. Just sayin' don't forget about them. Also, I'm merely assuming we're going to see them again. The first sentence is in no way fact.

--DANIELLE ROUSSEAU! I got teary when I saw her. I know I'm a sap but I'm a sucker for any original season one character. Mira Furlan looked beautiful. It was just great to see Rousseau happy and active in her daughter's life. So wonderful.

--Jack awoke with a new scar in the Sideways. It's happened before. What does it mean? Who knows. I imagine we'll find out in FIVE DAYS when the finale airs. David mentioned that his mother would be at the concert and wanted to make sure his father knew because he doesn't his dad to act weird. I'm telling you this: if it's Juliet, it's going to get dusty. I remember the days of Jack and Juliet. I remember Elizabeth Mitchell and how she portrayed Juliet during those days. I always liked Jack and Juliet together. Of course, I have a feeling Juliet's final words about going dutch is in relation to Sawyer and that we might see this and it'll get dusty with that too. I want to see Juliet again! I'm also excited to see how the two timelines reconcile.

--I thought the end of Jacob was very poetic and poignant. He's the guy who we've anticipated meeting since season two and last week we learned he really never had a choice about how his life unfolded. People have criticized Jacob because of the way the show built him up because of what he turned out to be but I was really satisfied with Jacob's story. I thought Mark Pellegrino was outstanding tonight. He hit the right chord.

--It seems like Richard is dead. Jacob did give him the gift of eternal life so maybe he just got a massive bump on the head because Smokey effing WALLOPED him. Hopefully he's not dead because Richard's always been cool. We'll see.

--Widmore is most definitely dead. Never was a fan. Never will be. Jacob vistited him and convinced him of the error of his hiring Keamy ways. But still, Widmore is a true BLEEP.

--I love the Sideways theme--as in music. Michael Giacchino is amazing and has a lot to do with the specialness of LOST. The music he composes for the show is absolutely amazing. The Sideways theme is just out of this world good.

--I really enjoyed the reappearance of characters who left us in past seasons especially in an episode entitled 'What They Died For.' I'll be honest. I accidentally stumbled upon this title two months when researching Tucker Gates' IMDB page. He didn't direct this episode as the damn page said he did. I digress. I've never been a big Ana-Lucia fan but I was glad to see her. She had such lousy luck when Michael killed her. It was really a sad death because she realized murder wouldn't solve anything and then Michael shot her. She was a very sad character and it was a sad death. Perhaps I've been too hard on the character. I loved her small appearance and Hurley's line to her. She's not coming with the other Islanders though because she's not ready. Desmond is

--Ben got beat up one last time. It's been awhile since we've seen that.

--Jacob explained the names on the wall as simply that: names on a wall, a form of a list. He had nothing against Kate but she became a mother. He told her she could have the job if she wanted it. After all, he said, it's just chalk on a wall.

--Seems like we got a confirmation on who inhabited the cabin after Ben said that Smokey had been summoning him. I miss that cabin.

--DL & CC have said in the past that the penultimate episode is really the beginning of the finale and this was a fantastic penultimate episode and a great set up for the series finale.

--Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz and Elizabeth Sarnoff wrote the episode and longtime camera operator and director of LOST, Paul Edwards, directed. I wonder why Stephen Williams left the show but Paul Edwards definitely deserved directing the penultimate episode of the season and the series. Eddie and Adam have been with the show since season one and Elizabeth Sarnoff joined the show in season two. I'd like to thank them for all their years working on last. The same goes for Paul Edwards.

--Only one more left. "The End" airs May 23 at 9PM. Before that, you should watch Damon and Carlton present the Top Ten on Letterman TONIGHT. They will be on Kimmel friday night. It will be their last appearance before they go into radio silence. ABC will be re-airing the full Pilot on Saturday night. I'd encourage going back to the very beginning as The End nears. Tomorrow night, Damon and Carlton will be doing a live interview that'll be aired live in hundreds of theaters across the country. Finally, television wise, the LOST series finale event begins at 7PM EST with a two hour recap. Everyone who gave up on LOST and is returning for the finale should watch the 2 hour finale. Just know you won't appreciate the end of the show as much as me or any of the fans who have been loyal for six years. As mentioned above, the season and series finale itself starts at 9PM EST. It's a two and a half hour epic. After the local news, Jimmy Kimmel's post-LOST finale will air and he'll be joined by the bulk of the cast. You know I'll be watching. Holy moly it is really coming to an end.

--As for the remaining days of Jacob's Foot, I've carefully thought about how to handle finale week. After careful thought, I've decided to simply write only recaps/reviews/whatever-you-wanna-call it for the final two episodes. Most the reason lies in the fact that my series finale entry/post/whatever-you-wanna-call it will probably cover anything I would have written about in the five days between now and Sunday. It's going to be an immense entry. The plan is to have it up Monday afternoon along with the final season six LOST rankings as well as the All-Time LOST rankings.

--And it's finally hitting me that it is ending. There will be no more episodes after Sunday. I'll really miss the excitement, joy and fun I experience watching an episode and writing one of these. I'll be re-watching the series for the rest of my life because that's what I do with television I love but this is how it needs to happen. Damon and Carlton made a very concious decision to end the show three years ago. It'll be rare if a network show chooses to end their story on their own terms. I doubt it ever happens again. Savor every scene on Sunday. Savor every character interaction. Just savor EVERYTHING in the finale because it only ends once. Also, I'm so excited for the final chapter of LOST. I think it's going to be absolutely amazing. Remember, the show has never been about answers and never will be. It's always been about the characters.

I shall return Monday with the final Jacob's Foot along with final rankings for the season and the series.


Well, here we are: the penultimate edition of the official LOST power rankings. I somehow forgot to mention the power part for awhile now. Anywho, no changes have been made after all of the deaths. I know, I know. The millions of people reading this who have been following the rankings since its inception in another blog and in old AIM chats are shouting "but WAIT! the rules have always been that when a character dies they are removed the following week!" Well guess what? Rules change. There's a few changes. For me, Kate has returned to the top five because she's been so damn awesome lately. Ben has returned to the top five. Jin fell to 6 and Claire to 7. I moved Richard, Jacob and MIB around. And Desmond has returned to the top spot because he's just so damn cool and suave in the Sideways. As for STEVE, Ben has returned to his top five. Richard moved up to four. His top three remains the same. But now it's time for YOU to check it out yourself:


RANKED: 5/19/2010


1. Desmond

2. Jack

3. Hurley

4. Kate

5. Ben

6. Jin

7. Claire

8. Sayid

9. Locke

10. Sawyer

11. Miles

12. Richard

13. Jacob

14. Man in Black

15. Frank

16. Sun

17. Widmore


1. Desmond

2. Jack

3. Man in Black

4. Richard

5. Ben

6. Kate

7. Jin

8. Sayid

9. Frank

10. Sawyer

11. Miles

12. Claire

13. Locke

14. Jacob

15. Sun

16. Widmore

17. Hurley

And now: A SURPRISE!


Yes. The official list of characters for the all-time rankings is being released in this very entry. STEVE suggested it be the 50 greatest characters on LOST. I came up with more than fifty and went through an exhaustive process in which I whittled it down to just 50. You'll see that Lennon did not make the final cut. He's the only one who was once ranked (I'm pretendingt that we never ranked Zoe) but we had no idea he'd be killed off so quickly. I didn't really like Lennon and he's in no way deserving of being ranked with the great characters of LOST. This list consists of every character we've ranked (minus Lennon and Zoe of course) and some characters we were never able to rank but have played a huge role in the show's story. Come Monday, each character will be ranked from 1 to 50. Here is the list:














Mr. Eko






















Dr. Chang




Ms. Hawking




Dr. Arzt

Mr. Reyes

Mrs. Reyes





Monday, May 17, 2010

Jacob's Foot: A Goodbye to The Official LOST Audio Podcast

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="It was an awesome podcast, DL & CC"][/caption]

Welcome to LOST finale week here in The Foot! It's sad yet exciting. Now, it's time to praise the podcast.

Today is all about the official LOST audio podcast with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse though. Their final podcast is available. The podcast debuted in late November of 2005. It was the days when I barely understood how iTunes work. I don't even remember why I was surfing around for podcasts in the iTunes music store but I was.

I stumbled upon a podcast for the show with Damon and Carlton either in November 2005 or December 2005. I was thrilled. I had already purchased a book that took the readers behind the scenes of season one. I'm the kind of guy who craves all of the behind the scenes action in regards to the creative side. I always wanted to know what television writers thought of each individual episode. The Official LOST Audio podcast provided that but it was also so much more.

Damon and Carlton always answered fan questions. They also had a sense of humor. There was Carlton's banjo playing and the joke that Damon never wore pants. The podcast is where I learned about the Joop joke. This was pre-end date when the show's future was a mystery and Eddie Kitsis joked that should LOST be canceled, Joop (the monkey from the old Hanso commercials) would spin around in a chair and reveal all of the secrets of LOST.I laughed plenty of times. In fact, the style of their podcast and their friendly banter inspired me to create my own podcast in January of 2008 and I'll admit, right here in The Foot, that I adopted their style of banter and incorporated. I not only love LOST the show. I loved this podcast. Just as I re-watch the show all the time, I re-listen to podcasts for things I forgot.

For instance, I'm positive Carlton forgets this completely but he revealed what the statue was in the season two finale podcast. He didn't give its name but he described the statue as we eventually saw it! The Frogurt jokes began on the podcast, I believe, which eventually morphed into Frogurt's debut in the mobisodes and he eventually showed up in "Because You Left" and was killed in "The Lie." He later re-appeared in "LA X."

One of the best running jokes of the podcast was the zombie season--season seven. There was Ezra James Sharkington. I loved the increasing jokes in the later seasons about Kate's horse and Kate's plane. In the early days, a former writer of the show, Javier Grillo-Marxauch, did a podcast commentary for Ana-Lucia's first flashback.

I loved listening to DL & CC discuss the creative process of the show. Their excitement for Nikki and Paulo's episode was contagious. Perhaps that excitement is one of the reasons I enjoyed the episode the night it aired unlike most of LOST nation. They played coy well, too. They never spoiled anything besides episode titles and whose character would be the focus. I'll always remember "The Brig" podcast because it's the podcast that announced the end of LOST.

The podcast made the journey of LOST an even funner experience, a richer experience. I wonder if I'm going to have as much fun watching a TV show as I had watching LOST. Who knows how many times I've used something in a podcast for my own musings on an episode and for my own musings about the coming episodes. It was an invaluable resource for a guy like me. I wonder will any other shows ever branch out into the podcast format. On the most recent BS Report, a podcast hosted by Bill Simmons on, Carlton discussed the interactive nature of the show. Carlton, on the last podcast for his show, remarked that he felt blessed to be able to do the podcast. He would always rally Damon because LOST is a blessed show. It's rare that network shows are able to end things on their own terms. Other shows might have enough time to wrap up a story and provide the fans with some sense of closure but it's mostly rushed and the story doesn't end on the creator's terms. But LOST was. The final podcast was basically their way of saying goodbye to the fans. They thanked the fans for caring about them and the show so much. They thanked us for listening to the podcast for 5 years. They expressed their gratitude for being able to end the show on their own terms and to be able to have a proper goodbye for their crew, cast and the fans. For any die-hard, insane and obsessed LOST fan like myself, the podcast is amazing. Five seasons are accounted for. The older ones have interviews with the cast where they talk about individual episodes. There are interviews in the older podcasts with Jean Higgins, Jack Bender and Michael Giacchino.

Now, it's time to talk about the final one ever. It was great. Damon and Carlton spoke a lot about "Across The Sea" because it's now the most polarizing episode in the history of LOST. They even did an audio commentary for it. They pretty much stopped pre-hashing a bit ago. They did some fan questions. Would I have liked one more banjo song? Yes. Would I have liked one more "Damon doesn't wear pants" joke for nostalgia's sake? Yes. But they made it up with the surprise ending. I won't ruin it.

Anywho, it was a fantastic podcast. If you've never listened to it before, lostpedia has every single one available to stream. I'll continue listening to the old ones on my good ol ipod. Also, Kris White is the unsung hero of the podcast. He was there for every single one (video too). I believe the video podcasts are not over yet but I wouldn't write about them anyway. The audio podcast is near and dear to me which is why I needed to write this.

Well, I shall return Wednesday or late tomorrow night with the good ol write up for the penultimate episode of the series, "What They Died For."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jacob's Foot: 'Across The Sea'...there's a certain dramatic irony attached to all this.

Adam Adam and Eve revealed, and not so much Adam and Eve as mother and son who had a very dysfunctional relationship. But it got dusty in The Foot. The story of Jacob, his twin brother and their "mother." An effective hour of storytelling.

"Across The Sea" is a story about brothers trapped by fate essentially. They had no choice in what they eventually became. They grew up together and loved one another. They looked out for each other. MIB was very hurt when Jacob refused to accompany him to the place where their mother's people were. Did not Jacob understand he and MIB did not belong his brother seemed to wonder. Their mother spoke with hatred about mankind and how they behaved. MIB echoed those sentiments in this episode when he described them as manipulative and selfish; however, she was just as manipulative. She took away their freedom. As she and Jacob walked to the cave that light emanated from (the source of the Island: life, death, rebirth), she told Jacob that she couldn't stop his brother. But MIB wasn't free. He was knocked out. The well he spent years digging because he knew he would be able to find the light underneath the ground was covered up when he awoke with a nasty gash on the back of his head. The camp where he had been living for thirty years was destroyed and the people killed. His mother took away his freedom yet again.

Jacob and his brother were once human. They were born to a woman who crashed on a boat with other people who created a village. They wanted to know what was across the sea. In fact, going across the sea was a major theme throughout the episode. Jacob and his brother didn't know a world existed outside of their Island. I really should've written that Finnegan's Wake/LOST essay. I digress. We met the crazy mother and boy did she have a screw loose. What she did was take away the free-will of her two children. She did not want her two boys (they of course only became hers after she murdered their mother) to be like men. She told them that it always ends the same. They come. They corrupt. Her son echoed those words in "The Incident" as Jacob enjoyed some fish before MIB rhetorically asked his bro, "do you know how much I wanna kill you?" "I do," Jacob responded. Well, now we ALL know. It's because he turned his brother into a pillar of black smoke. I'd be mad too. The war sort of began because of Jacob. He felt unwanted and unloved by his mother. He believed his mother loved his brother more than she loved him. She didn't deny it. She told him: "I love you both in different ways." In fact, Jacob believed his mother wanted his brother to become the protector of the Island. Maybe she did. She told him that it was always going to be Jacob; however, before those words, she said "it has to be you." I interpreted those words to mean "I wanted your brother but now it has to be you. I've lost him." I think Jacob felt it too. The ever-present sadness in his eyes and his demeanor were finally made clear. I felt a level of sympathy for both of the brothers. I felt tremendous amounts of sympathy for Jacob as he became emotional when reminded his brother that the Island is their home. He can't leave. I felt sympathy for Jacob when thinking about all of the years he spent alone on the Island, protecting it. Like his mother, he seemed to invite the knife into his chest that night in The Foot. His mother thanked MIB for killing her, freeing her from this responsibility. Does Jack really want this job? I digress.

I mostly came away from this episode with a newfound sympathy for Jacob and his brother. Answers have never been very important to me with LOST. I appreciated the character development in this episode and the focus on telling this story about a loony woman and the two boys she raised. We were finally allowed the opportunity to understand why MIB is doing what he is doing. It's almost a microcosm of the show: people brought to the Island by circumstances beyond their control. Jacob believed in staying. His brother wanted to leave. They were other people that they feared at first. We learned that not even Jacob totally understands what this Island is. His mother either didn't understand or didn't want to truly explain the significance of the light. Should it go out, the universe (she claims) will cease to exist, as she implied by saying all lights go out if this light goes out. But I like the mystery that is the Island and that will remain a mystery. I like that it is a place of healing and renewal and rebirth. LOST has always been a show rooted in spirituality. The first season is the most spiritual of the six. It's a season about rebirth and renewal. Damon and Carlton spoke about how season six is mirroring elements of season six but, perhaps, the most fundamental mirror is the revival of rebirth and renewal. The Sideways seems to be a manifestation of that idea. After all, those who have died live in the Sideways. I digress.

The most emotional scene of the episode took place at the end when realization swept over me. The skeletons were the mother and Jacob's brother. Jacob lost control of his temper and emotions when he saw that his brother killed the woman who raised them. He dragged him to the Cave of Light. He set him free by sending him down the tree. Their mother warned to never go in. MIB's body floated in and soon The Smoke Monster emerged. Awhile later, Jacob found his brother's dead body. He brought him to the Caves where his mother's dead body lay and he put them together with the bag containing one white stone and one black stone. There was circularity in that moment. To quote Giles from "Buffy," 'There's a certain dramatic irony attached to all this. A synchronicity that borders on predestination, one might say." I couldn't have said it better myself.

More Thoughts:

--MIB created the donkey wheel which would eventually become the frozen Donkey wheel. That scene was fantastic. Titus Welliver was outstanding especially when he hugged his mother and cried.

--Contrary to negative nancys on LOST message boards, there were a plethora of answers yet again tonight. Don't like them? Oh well. Stop watching for the answers. It's always going to be about the characters in the end. Damon said it himself: it's about lost people on a lost island. I'd like to think Monday's entry was the last of my "stop hating EVERYTHING, fans" rant but maybe this is the last rant. There are now just 2 episodes left. 3.5 hours. If you're not happy, write a LOST fanfic that answers every question you want. LOST has never been about answers. I think this is the final rant about fans.

--This episode was a nice break from the intensity and darkness of last week's episode. But you know? I think next week's episode is going to be very, very dark and intense. Damon said that it's a dark time on LOST. I'll believe him.

--Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof wrote this episode! I've always wanted to ask them about the order of their names in the credits. Sometimes, it's Damon's name first. Other times it is Carlton. Do they just switch it up evenly? I'd also like to ask them why writing teams have dominated the writing staff since season three. The last episode written by a single person was season two. Interesting. Also, with just two episodes left, I've now just realized Stephen Williams left the show. He was an awesome director. Oh well.

--Tucker Gates, the man who helmed "Ab Aeterno," directed this one. Mark Pellegrino, Titus Welliver and Allison Janney did a some nice work. And I loved seeing the skeleton scene from "House of the Rising Sun" again.

--Overall, a solid episode of LOST. I became more and more invested as the hour went by. Next week: the penultimate episode of the series. We're almost there.



No real decision has been made about the four deaths last week since this episode featured no one from the main cast and it would be unfair to rank archived footage from "House of the Rising Sun." STEVE suggested doing no rankings for the episode but I had some changes to make so we ranked. MIB moved up to 13 for me and Jacob to 14. Richard's all the way down at 15 which I'm not a fan of but it's a numbers game. STEVE switched around Jacob, Locke and Sun. But again, no concrete decisions have been made about the four characters who died last week because of the Sideways. Assume they all stay since we've been ranking Locke all season and he's been dead since the end of season three technically. Anywho, ENJOY!


RANKED: 5/11/2010


1. Jack

2. Desmond

3. Hurley

4. Jin

5. Claire

6. Kate

7. Ben

8. Sayid

9. Locke

10. Sawyer

11. Miles

12. Frank

13. Man in Black

14. Jacob

15. Richard

16. Sun

17. Widmore


1. Desmond

2. Jack

3. Man in Black

4. Jin

5. Richard

6. Ben

7. Kate

8. Sayid

9. Frank

10. Sawyer

11. Miles

12. Locke

13. Jacob

14. Sun

15. Claire

16. Widmore

17. Hurley

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jacob's Foot: More "The Candidate" and other musings as LOST moves ever close to The End.

I have even more to write about "The Candidate" and other LOST things including the awesome LOST podcast. Let's go:

Sayid's death had the right amount of closure. In the flurry of the emotion of the episode and admist attempting to strike a decent balance between the shocking deaths and the important John Locke/Jack story taking place, one can forget to ruminate on the totality of Sayid's personal narrative, his own arc. In "LA X," he was broken, scared and full of fear. He asked Hurley what he thinks happens after death. Sayid was convinced he'd go to a place quite unpleasant. What he didn't know was, upon his resurrection or whatever you want to call it, that unpleasant place was inside himself. Sartre, in his play No Exit, had one character exclaim that Hell is other people. Hell is sometimes your own self. Sayid made a deal with His Smokeness that infected him. He felt nothing. He did what he was told. "You're evil," Dogen told him. Sayid accepted that. "What will you tell her you did to bring her back?" Desmond asked. Sayid didn't respond. We saw him on the beach of Hydra Island, telling Jack where they were. It seemed like he had more to say before MIB interrupted. Before Desmond was thrown into the well by NotLocke, NotLocke tried to rattle him, to scare him. Desmond wasn't scared. What's the use of being afraid he asked NotLocke. Perhaps, the profoundness of Sayid's talk with Desmond lies in the not being afraid. We didn't see how the conversation ended. We only saw a renewed Sayid. Perhaps Desmond told Sayid why it's useless to be afraid. We won't see the end of their conversation but I'll bet we see the full scope of Desmond's influence in the final three episodes so we'll be able to understand how he saved Sayid's soul.

Fans on various LOST messageboards have theorized about Jack offering Claire an Apollo candy bar as well as her rejection of the candy bar because that's exactly what Jacob did with Jack after the dural sac incident that Jack eventually fixed (as told to Kate in the Pilot episode). My own humble opinion is: sometimes a guy offering a girl a candy bar and her not wanting it is just a guy offering a girl a candy bar and her not wanting it.

Fans have been clamoring for the Outrigger mystery to be revealed. I'd like to see that resolved as well. There wasn't a huge chance of seeing that mystery solved because everyone is on Hydra Island. Why bring this up? I don't know. It's not a good segue but it's a seque. Fan outrage has been more evident after this week's episode. I can't recall a more vocally angry internet outrage than the outrage about this episode because of the characters who died. I don't agree with the naysayers. In fact, I probably wrote about how I wish they'd stop watching the show if they find so much wrong with it. It's television and free. Chuck Klosterman wrote something, I imagine as a retort to all of the LOST naysayers he's been dealing with, on Twitter. In fact, Klosterman did an awesome job on a BS Report podcast with's Bill Simmons of defending the show. Simmons was in the majority of fans who felt that the show going to be a train wreck until it ended after seeing the first six episodes of the season (I wasn't and remain a part from that community of fans). Klosterman essentially told Simmons that LOST is what it is and he suggested to just roll with it. He considers it, as do I, to be one of network television greatest shows of all-time. Klosterman describes LOST as 'the most exclusionary show ever.' I totally agree. He also compared it to reading a Russian novel. I've read a few in my life and I'd agree.

The point he essentially made then and made outright on Twitter is: "If you continue to watch a serialized TV show you actively dislike, you completely deserve your unhappiness."

Listen, in less than two weeks, there's going to be a 250,000 word recap of the series finale that at least one person will be reading besides myself (and I'm the author!). There's less than 2 weeks to go now. Maybe after tomorrow's episode, "Across The Sea," the negativity and bitterness will cease. I hope it does so that the fan community, the loyal community who have been watching for six seasons without ever leaving, can enjoy the ultimate unwrapping of the Christmas gift (as DL and CC have said). LOST is a great Russian-esque novel. NotLocke, in "The Substitute," told Sawyer that he's so close (to the Number Caves in the context of the episode). We're so close, fans. Embrace and savor the final three episodes because there's never going to be a show like LOST again.

Other Things to Address:

--I forgot to add this in "The Candidate" entry. Lostpedia noted that only six season one character remain in the Island timeline: Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire and Walt. It's wild and sad.

--I listened to the penultimate podcast episode of The Offical LOST Podcast on Saturday afternoon. The penultimate podcast. Amazing how time flies. It seems like yesterday they announced their three-year deal that would end LOST in its sixth season on a podcast. But I shall save the podcast memories for the entry I write after the final podcast has been listened to. It's coming this week as there won't be any prehasing for the series finale. Expect the "Goodbye, LOST Podcast" entry sometime this week.

I'll be back Wednesday with thoughts on "Across The Sea" as well as the LOST rankings.

About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.