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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jacob's Foot: All Around The House of The Rising Sun

I feel like writing an entirely too long and unnecessary entry about the fifth season of Dawson's Creek. A sort of 'How Not to Produce a Season of Television.' The thing is the fifth season isn't a total trainwreck. Their sixth and final season is an absolute trainwreck. The two seasons are related though. What it would boil down to really is how to recognize good television from bad television. Maybe I will do this. There's so much bad television programs. Besides Entourage and True Blood, all I watch besides Phillies baseball, ESPN, and the MLB Network is the occasional Simpsons episode since FOX29 is airing some great episodes and CNN. Besides Dollhouse in the Fall and the return of LOST in Jan. 2010, the future is bleak, folks. Friday Night Lights is still enjoyable. I may or may not be done with Heroes. How I Met Your Mother is always enjoyable but TV isn't as good anymore. Does the problem lie with show-runners or their writing staff? Is it the actors and actresses? Has television evolved like music in that now it's a very niche driven business? I'll stop rambling.

The Flyers have a brutal March thanks to that Olympic break. It's terrifying to look at on the schedule. It's absolutely brutal.


America and the nation of Honduras' favorite Jacob's Foot section is back! In fact, the rebel force which ousted president Manuel Zelaya threatened to oust me if I decided to write about LOST that didn't have episode of the day with it. I am flattered by the rebel forces in Honduras but I in no way condone their actions. Anywho...

[caption id="attachment_829" align="alignleft" width="399" caption="Before they were BFFs of course"]Before they were BFFs of course[/caption]

The episode: House of the Rising Sun
Original Airdate: October 27, 2004
Written By: Javier Grillo-Marxauch
Directed By: Michael Zinberg

Content: When Jin attacks Michael without provocation, a rivalry begins to form, much to Sun's dismay. Meanwhile, Jack proposes that everyone move to the caves, though some argue that this would be giving up on possible rescue. Flashbacks in this episode concentrate around Sun and Jin's marriage and how it was slowly falling apart.

Why It's Worth Re-Watching: Well, this episode introduces the Adam and Eve skeletons. They've taken on a life of their own as now people wonder who they are. Mr. Doc Jensen over at has predicted the skeletons are Rose and Bernard. Jack stated that the man and woman had been dead for 40-50 years. The math doesn't quite work. Anything's possible with this show and the wild time travels. Hell, Dharma food that was dropped 16 years before 2004 arrived on the Island in season two. This is the first episode I ever saw of LOST. I remember thinking 'wow the dude from Oz is being attacked by Gavin from ANGEL!' Of course I loved everything I saw. It blew my mind. It's worth re-watching alone for the fact that it's just a great episode. Excellent character development, excellent performances. Everything I love about LOST is in this episode (except for Claire who is absent). The caves get their first full episode as Jack thinks everyone should move there but Kate disagrees. Also, this is the first flashback for Sun and Jin. A favorite B plot of mine is in this: Locke helps Charlie find his guitar while beginning the process to get Charlie off heroin. It's essential LOST in my opinion. Beautiful composition by Michael Giacchino as well.

In other news, Emilie de Ravin (Claire) is getting quite the coverage on the set of her new film. The reason? Possible love connection with the dude from Twilight. Not cool. She's better than that! Still this interest in her led to her being featured on's Movie Hotties sister site. She's wearing a nice dress and has brownish hair.

[caption id="attachment_828" align="alignnone" width="207" caption="She's great"]She's great[/caption]

She is a cutie, folks.


The next song was featured for quite a bit time on that AT&T commercial. The song evidently wants to be 'Hey Jude' and doesn't hide the fact that it does. It's very long but it's good. Liam sounds great. It's a relaxing track. It is...

"All Around The World"

Also, my 'Remembering Michael Jackson' has been featured on News Hammer On Campus, a blog that helps spread the love of university newspapers. Very exciting.

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About The Foot

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Originally, I titled the blog Jacob's Foot after the giant foot that Jacob inhabited in LOST. That ended. It became TV With The Foot in 2010. I wrote about a lot of TV.